Can pneumonia be cured without antibiotics?

Inflammation of the lungs is a life-threatening disease. It lasts for a long time, with an increase in temperature, intoxication of the body. Requires complex treatment, with the use of antibiotic agents, strictly according to the doctor’s prescription. Modern medicine gives a clear answer – pneumonia cannot be cured without antibiotics.

Before the invention of antibacterial drugs, every third person with pneumonia died. First of all, children and older adults are at risk. Currently, the mainstay of treatment for pneumonia is antibiotic therapy. If the patient sought medical help at the first signs of the disease and followed the doctor’s recommendations, complications do not develop, the treatment will be successful. Incorrect therapy leads to serious consequences, up to and including death.

Alternative treatments

To achieve a speedy recovery, in addition to the course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, patients are treated with non-drug methods:

  • frequent and plentiful warm drinking dilutes phlegm, cleanses the body of toxins. Doctors recommend drinking berry juice, milk with a small amount of baking soda, alkaline mineral water;
  • bed rest activates the body’s own forces. The first three days of the disease, the body requires maximum rest;
  • vitamin low-calorie diet, with restriction of carbohydrate intake. In the first days of the illness, when the patient’s appetite decreases, chicken broth and warm drink are enough;
  • regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the room where the patient is.

When the acute period of the disease passes, the body temperature returns to normal. Then it is necessary to include procedures in therapy that help to restore the impaired functions of the respiratory system:

  1. Respiratory gymnastics – restores lung function, normalizes breathing. It enhances ventilation and gas exchange in the lung tissue. When performing a set of exercises, the patient breathes rhythmically and deeply.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures (UHF therapy, UV radiation, magnetophoresis) are prescribed by a doctor. They reduce inflammation and promote the restoration of lung tissue.
  3. Percussion massage improves ventilation of the lungs, increases blood flow, saturates tissues with oxygen. The procedure involves tapping the patient’s sternum, back and ribs with the edge of the palm. As a result, lymph flow and blood supply are normalized, sputum easily leaves the bronchi.
  4. Vibration massage is carried out using a vibrating massager. It strengthens the muscles of the sternum, accelerates the excretion of phlegm.
  5. Vacuum or cupping massage improves blood circulation, eliminates lymph congestion, accelerates the recovery process.
  6. Inhalation delivers the drug directly to the lower respiratory tract. The procedure helps to thin phlegm, restore the drainage and ventilation functions of the bronchi and lungs. Inhalation is effective in treating pneumonia.

These methods of treatment help to speed up the patient’s recovery and increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. The attending physician decides which procedure to use for the patient.

Rules for the selection of drugs

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The drugs are selected depending on the type of microorganisms that caused the inflammation. These can be viruses, bacteria and fungi.

As first aid, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics. These are drugs of the latest generation. They have few contraindications, are used in small doses, and have minimal toxic effects on the liver and kidneys. The drugs are effective against most microorganisms at the same time:

  • with a mild form of inflammation, drugs of the penicillin groups (Amoxiclav, Flemoxin), cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Suprax), macrolides (Sumamed, Azithromycin) are prescribed;
  • severe course of the disease requires combination therapy of several drugs. These are macrolides, fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Tavanik), cephalosporins.

In the case of a severe course of the disease, the doctor prescribes injections intramuscularly or intravenously, with a lighter course – taking in the form of tablets.

If the patient’s condition does not improve within 2-3 days, the doctor revises the treatment regimen. After receiving the results of a general blood test and radiography, it is possible to adjust the course of treatment. Drugs of a different group are prescribed. The correct antibiotic will speed up the healing process. The manifestation of an allergic reaction also requires replacement of the drug.

The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks under the supervision of a doctor, in case of complications – a longer period.

Antibacterial drugs must be taken regularly. The active substance is maintained in the blood at the desired concentration. The therapy process cannot be stopped until the patient has fully recovered. Self-withdrawal of treatment at the first signs of improvement is unacceptable. Violation of antibiotic therapy increases the risk of disease recurrence.

Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the doctor includes symptomatic therapy drugs in the course of treatment:

  • for thinning mucus and removing sputum – mucolytic drugs (ACC, Bromhexin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Codelac);
  • to facilitate coughing – expectorants (licorice rhizomes, thermopsis herbs, Gelomirtol, Sinupret);
  • with difficulty breathing – bronchodilators (Fenoterol, Salbutamol, Berodual, Euphyllin);
  • antipyretic drugs at temperatures above 38.5 degrees (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Ibuclin);
  • antihistamines – in case of allergies (Zyrtec, Erius);
  • immunostimulants (echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng);
  • probiotics to restore intestinal microflora (Linex, Acipol).

The use of drugs is of an auxiliary nature, it helps to transfer the disease more easily and accelerate recovery.

Traditional medicine

Traditional therapy can be enhanced with proven folk remedies:

  1. A decoction of raisins and figs reduces pain in the chest area, reduces inflammation. Indicated at high temperatures and intoxication.
  2. Onions and garlic contain phytoncides. They have antimicrobial effects.
  3. Chamomile flowers have an antiseptic effect. The medicinal plant destroys pathogenic bacteria, disinfects mucous membranes, relieves irritation.
  4. Broth of oats in milk softens cough, strengthens the immune system.
  5. A goose fat compress is placed on the chest and bronchi areas. It warms, relieves cough. Even infants are treated with it.
  6. Aloe juice is used externally and internally. The plant liquefies phlegm, makes breathing easier.
  7. A decoction of mother-and-stepmother reduces intoxication of the body, has a diluting and expectorant effect.
  8. Rosehip contains vitamin C, supports immunity. The infusion of berries is taken by pregnant women and children. If there is no allergy, honey can be added to the child for flavor.