The severity of bronchial asthma

According to the severity, mild, moderate and severe attacks, as well as status asthmaticus, are distinguished. A mild attack is characterized by moderate difficulty in breathing. The child’s well-being practically does not suffer. Physical activity and spoken language are preserved. Breathing is quickened, exhalation is lengthened. The participation of auxiliary muscles in the act of breathing is not clearly...

Viral Respiratory Tract Infections

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) occupy one of the first places among all infectious diseases in humans. These are the most common diseases in the world. Tens of millions of people suffer from acute respiratory viral infections every year. Acute respiratory viral infections are a large group of diseases, usually occurring in an acute form, caused by...

Who needs a nebulizer and why

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of healthy respiratory organs, because they provide our body with oxygen. And there are a number of diseases that negatively affect the functioning of the respiratory system and cause a deterioration in the quality of life. Bronchial asthma. During an asthma attack, muscle spasms around the airways occur, making breathing...

Obstructive bronchitis: symptoms, treatment

Obstructive bronchitis is a common condition in children and adults. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the bronchi, damage to the mucous membrane, which leads to narrowing or spasm of the bronchi. As a result, sputum discharge and ventilation of the lungs are impaired. Obstructive bronchitis in children and adults The acute form is...

Causes and symptoms of myringitis

Myringitis is an inflammation of the eardrum due to infectious diseases of the ears and respiratory system. The disease is diagnosed mainly in preschool children and individuals whose professional activity is associated with a systematic stay at a considerable depth or height. Pathology is preceded by the appearance of inflammatory foci in the region of the...

Bronchitis in a child. Symptoms, treatment

Each parent begins to worry when his child falls ill. Some immediately lead to a doctor, and some let it go. There are diseases that can be a serious threat to a child, one of which is bronchitis. Bronchitis is a bacterial respiratory disease that, if treated incorrectly or not at all, can cause major complications such as...

Asthma treatment with folk remedies

A disease such as asthma can cause enormous discomfort to a person, so asthma must be treated and it is advisable to do this with the help of professional treatment in a good clinic. However, in addition to the main treatment, you can still treat the disease with the help of traditional medicine, thus, it will...

Bronhialnaya asthma: folk cures

Bronchial asthma is a condition that occurs when the bronchi are compressed, when air enters the lungs with difficulty. As a result, a cough with expectoration, suffocation and muscle spasms of the bronchioles. This condition is called an asthmatic attack. As a rule, it is not isolated. Attacks can occur suddenly and happen up to several times a day....

The relationship of dysfunctions of the receptor apparatus of the bronchi and their allergization in patients with various pneumonia

In 55 patients with acute and in 34 with protracted pneumonia, the connection between dysfunctions of cholinergic and beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchi (sensitivity and reactivity) was studied using inhaled samples with acetylcholine and obzidan and allergization of the body and bronchi at the stationary stage and during convalescence. To assess the state of allergization of...


Definition of pneumonia is a group of acute etiological, pathogenesis, and morphological characteristics of acute focal infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs with the primary involvement of the respiratory departments in the pathological process and the mandatory presence of intra-alveolar inflammatory exudation.We will analyze this definition:ยท Whenever people speak of pneumonia, they mean an...