Basic principles of intensive care

• Oxygen therapy with maintenance of Sa02 more than 95%

• Continued beta-2 agonist therapy

• Systemic glucocorticosteroids parenterally up to 10 mg / kg / day or per os

• Methylxanthines (eufillin) IV 4.5-5 mg / kg for 20-30 minutes, followed by continuous infusion at a dose of 0.6-0.8 mg / kg / hour or fractionally in appropriate doses every 4-5 hours under the control of theophylline concentration in the blood

• Infusion therapy. The isotonic sodium chloride solution and 5% glucose solution (1’1) are used as the basic solutions for infusion therapy. The volume of fluid in accordance with physiological needs and losses, an average of 50 ml / kg / day

The amount of intravenously injected fluid in young children is 10-20 ml / kg of weight, the total volume is 150-300 ml, the rate of administration is 30-45 ml / hour (10-15 drops per minute), the duration of the infusion (depending on the volume )

• Monitoring vital functions. Heart rate, BH, ECG, pulse oximetry, Ra02, RaS02.

• Continuous medical supervision

Indications for transfer to the intensive care and resuscitation department:

• non-stopping seizure for more than 6 hours

• resistance to sympathomimetics

• other signs of an asthmatic condition