Is there a cough in children and adults on a nervous basis? Of course it does.

It prevents a person from leading a full-fledged lifestyle, as it often arises suddenly and paroxysm.

It is difficult to get rid of it, because no medication can effectively stop the attacks of incessant coughing.

The mechanism of formation of psychogenic cough

Neurological cough is a fairly common phenomenon. It occurs on a nervous basis and is somewhat different from the cough that occurs with colds and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

At the same time, in the bronchi and light disorders during examination are not found. It begins with stress and anxiety, because these factors stimulate the autonomic nervous system.

The involuntary fit, from coughing to continuous coughing causing vomiting, stops as quickly as it appears.

A psychogenic cough occurs with constant stressful situations or as a result of organic pathologies of the nervous system.

This is due to irritation of the area of ​​the brain responsible for coughing and sending impulses to the respiratory tract, which causes painful and debilitating attacks.

But also a person may have a paroxysmal cough after a severe lung disease or ARVI when the disease has already passed.

This is because the same area causing the cough remains irritated for a while, and coughing is a residual manifestation of respiratory illness.

None of the drugs that are effective for colds and viral infections in this case will help stop a dry barking cough, in which phlegm does not form.

Causes of cough

If during the examination no diseases of the upper respiratory tract were detected, and the tests were within normal limits, then the cough developed against the background of excitement and nervous tension.

Although sometimes coughing occurs reflexively after respiratory diseases.

A coughing fit on nerves can cause:

  • disgusting work;
  • scandals with relatives, stressful environment in the team;
  • feeling of loneliness, loss of a loved one, fear, excitement, divorce;
  • worries about your own illness or illness of loved ones;
  • serious diseases of the respiratory system, after which a cough remained.

Neurological cough is more commonly diagnosed in children than in adults. A sick child tries to arouse compassion in his parents with an invented illness, so that they pay more attention to him.

At the same time, his tests are normal and the doctors do not find any abnormalities. In cases of an unconsciously generated ailment by children, not a single drug and cough syrup helps.

Since adolescent children are very susceptible and emotional, they may have a psychogenic cough due to heavy study loads and while waiting for exams.

Teenagers react sharply to scandals between relatives, quarrels with friends, parting with loved ones. A coughing fit can start at inopportune moments in public places, making children even more distressed and upset.

Also susceptible to the appearance of psychogenic cough are adolescents who spend all their free time watching TV or playing computer games. Strong tea, coffee, energy drinks, and chocolate also provoke nervous coughing fits.

Children who often walk in the fresh air and go to sports clubs usually do not have psychological problems.

Neurological cough can occur not only from nervous experiences, but also from heavy physical exertion. Excitement before a performance or other important events also contributes to the onset of a seizure.

With adolescents and children, you need to be more careful in statements, try not to scold them, so that they do not start a cough of a psychogenic nature.


To begin therapy for a cough on a nervous basis, a complete diagnosis is carried out to exclude colds and viral diseases. If the diagnosis is confirmed, various treatment procedures are prescribed.

Since such a cough is a symptom of a nervous disorder and is difficult to treat, a psychotherapist prescribes treatment.

Treatment methods for cough in adults

Since this cough is of a psychogenic nature, all treatment measures are aimed at stabilizing the nervous state.

Antibiotics and cough medicines used for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system will not be effective in this case. Such a cough as a symptom alone cannot be cured.

A good result is brought by a course of psychotherapy. Such procedures are especially useful during times of stress and anxiety. The support of relatives and a friendly, non-traumatic environment at home and at work is also very important.

Nervous coughs will go away faster with soothing herbal teas and relaxation techniques.

Herbal infusions help very well:

  • thyme and lavender tone and strengthen the nerves;
  • peony calms;
  • motherwort and valerian well reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

Traditional therapies are extremely helpful in combating neurogenic coughs and can control seizures. Peony helps well in the treatment of neuroses, anxiety and neurasthenia, and valerian and motherwort relieve neurotic symptoms.

Lavender has a positive effect on blood circulation. Herbal preparations soothe, relieve anxiety and anxiety, and increase working capacity.

While undergoing treatment, a person needs to avoid stressful situations that traumatize the psyche of films with the cost of violence. To improve the quality of sleep and well-being, it is recommended to take evening walks in the fresh air.

It also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and on the entire body, treatment at resorts and sanatoriums.

If the patient has not paid attention to his psychological problems for a long time and the disease is neglected, in addition to herbal preparations, it may be necessary to take sedatives and hypnosis therapy.

It has long been known that until a person learns to relax and think and worry less about his problems, no medication will be of any use.

Symptoms and therapy of psychogenic cough in children

Neurological cough in children and adolescents, as well as in adults, appears against a background of anxiety and stress. But the difference is that they are characterized by a higher percentage of curability.

The severity of adults, a negative atmosphere at home can cause a cough on nerves. It is necessary to talk to the child often and devote a lot of time to him in order to provide help in time in case of psychological problems.

In children, in addition to coughing without the formation of phlegm, other symptoms appear, for example, nervous tics and other involuntary movements. It practically does not affect sleep and appetite, unlike coughing attacks during infectious and viral diseases.

If the diagnosis of psychogenic cough in a child is confirmed, you need to observe the daily regimen and try to avoid quarrels and scandals at home with him.

This requires:

  • Less criticism.
  • Exclude drinks containing caffeine and chocolate from the diet.
  • Try to distract the child when a coughing fit begins.
  • Establish sleep patterns.
  • Organize sports activities and outdoor walks.
  • If he gets a bad grade at school, don’t scold him.

A number of psychotherapeutic procedures that a doctor prescribes usually help with psychogenic cough in children. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is not necessary to concentrate one’s attention on various problems and that one should try to be distracted from them.

If these methods are unsuccessful, the doctor will also prescribe hypnosis and sedative medications. Therefore, when a cough occurs on a nervous basis, it is imperative to visit a psychotherapist and get advice.

This cough can be easily confused with various diseases of the respiratory system and is difficult to diagnose, as well as to cure. It is paroxysmal, barking, and does not produce sputum.

The reason for its appearance is frequent stressful situations and treatment is aimed at eliminating neurosis. It is important to get rid of the root cause – a nervous disorder, therefore, only a doctor should deal with the treatment and diagnosis of this pathology.

Self-medication can adversely affect the health of the child.