Of course, a person constantly monitors what he eats and drinks. But does he watch what he inhales? Below are described summer irritants that are dangerous for the lungs, and ways to protect against them.
Halogen-substituted acetic acid
On a five-point scale, the hazard level is 1 out of 5. The formation of this substance is possible with the interaction of chlorine, which is used to disinfect water in pools and environmental pollutants. Experts note that this chemical compound increases the likelihood of developing oncology. This acid was first discovered by Spanish scientists in the organisms of people serving the pools. Although they themselves never descended into the water. The only salvation is that this dangerous acid is quickly eliminated from the human body.
To protect yourself, do not overdo it with the means during the disinfection of water in the pool. Everything should be no frills. Before bathing in the pool, you should take a shower to flush pollutants (contaminants) from the skin, which can interact with chlorine. And most importantly, when swimming in the pool, do not open your mouth, so as not to accidentally get drunk water.
Flower pollen
On a five-point scale, the danger level is 3 out of 5. Every ninth inhabitant of the Earth is familiar with symptoms such as swelling, lacrimation and irritation in the throat, which are seasonal allergies, in particular in spring and summer. This information is provided by the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation.
To protect yourself, you need to know that the peak concentration of pollen in the air is observed between 5 a.m. and noon. Thus, if a person suffers from allergies to pollen, then his activity should be transferred to the afternoon or leave the house after rain. Also, in order to protect yourself, you should first take drugs against long-acting allergies, for example Zyrtec, Allegra or Claritin.
Mold fungus
On a five-point scale, the danger level of this irritant is 3 out of 5. Since mid-summer, mold spores appear on fallen leaves and rotting stumps. A group of scientists from Tulane University in Louisiana made calculations and reported that every tenth person has an allergic reaction to mold. If, after harvesting fallen leaves, a person begins to cough, discharge from the nose and itchy eyes appear, then this is nothing more than an allergy to mold.
In order to protect throughout the summer and autumn, you must avoid excessive stay on the street after rain in windy weather. If you need to work on a plot with a rake or collect hay, your nose and mouth should be covered with a scarf.
The hazard level of this irritant is 5 out of 5.
What do we know about this dangerous substance? The ozone molecule consists of 3 oxygen atoms. In addition, ozone is a pollutant, a toxic admixture of air, it can become the causative agent of the inflammatory process and reduce the vital volume of the lungs. According to statistics provided by the American Association of Pulmonologists, approximately 4 out of 10 Americans live in areas that are relatively ozone-free. The worst options are cities on sunny and hot days.
To prevent an allergic reaction before going out, you should look at the weather forecast, which contains information on the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere. If it is too high, then you should not engage in sports or other types of physical activity in the open air, in which you have to breathe heavily . It is better to postpone these activities until the evening, when the concentration of ozone decreases sharply.
Smoke from the grill
On a five-point scale, the hazard level is 3 out of 5.
Burning gas, coals and smells of cooking food together create a cloud of contaminating particles that, when inhaled, can settle in the lungs and exacerbate symptoms of asthma and an allergic reaction. A group of scientists from the University of Surrey revealed that when burning 4.5 kg of coal during the preparation of barbecue, the exact same air pollution occurs as from a pickup truck that traveled 4.5 km.
To prevent the development of allergies, always before cooking meat, cut off the fat and stand on the grill so that the resulting smog does not settle on the skin. When turning meat, avoid shashlik smoke whenever possible. In combination, all this is of great importance.