Asthmatic narrowing of the respiratory passages of varying degrees, which occurs as a result of contact with gases, stalemates, dust, smoke in a factory or organization. Going to the doctor at the very beginning of the detection of an allergic reaction guarantees getting rid of it in the future, provided that there is no contact with the reagent.
Why is it so important to discern the onset of the disease? Long contact with the irritant provokes serious and lasting effects of allergies, and also complicates the treatment. One of the most serious effects of allergies is asthma. Therefore, if you suspect that you have an allergy or the usual reaction is aggravated, immediately contact a specialist to determine the exact source of the allergy and prescribe an adequate treatment. After identifying the reagent, the doctor’s task is to determine the degree of professional origin of the allergy and the likelihood of its transformation into asthma. About 15 percent of all adult diseases in the industrial world are asthma by occupational origin. Asthma is also the most common airway disease caused by the harmfulness of the profession.

Occupational asthma has a so-called latent period, or asymptomatic. The latent period can last several months or several years. The morphological signs of the pathology are identical to those of ordinary asthma. For example, with the aggression of biological allergens, occupational asthma is manifested by symptoms such as lacrimation, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, runny nose and nasal congestion. The so-called hay fever, caused by an allergy to plant pollen, develops in the same way. Asthma is characterized by a feeling of constriction in the chest, as well as coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing with a whistle.
Contact with toxic substances in high concentrations can provoke asthma, penetrating immediately into the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and irritating them. Such toxic effects can occur immediately after contact with the reagent, or maybe after a few hours.

The causes of asthma. Diagnostics.

An important factor in the diagnosis of asthma in professional etiology is the accurate timing of the first symptoms. Such symptoms subside or disappear after a person leaves work for a long time, such as vacation time. In a short period of a normal weekend, the symptoms may not disappear. A single determination of the reagent makes it impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis, a series of functional measurements and allergic tests will be
invaluable. A description of the state of the workplace and outside of the victims themselves, an indication of breathing, the length and frequency of expiration, and the names of the medicines used can also be invaluable. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment, the patient is ultimately referred to specialized clinics for further analysis and detailed examinations.
One of the methods of refined diagnosis is a provocative test, which consists in creating a working environment under the supervision of a doctor in the appropriate cabin of a special laboratory. Suspected allergens, such as paints, varnishes, dust, glue, are sprayed into the cabin; the room is smoking, etc. testing is repeated after a certain period of time. According to the speed of reaction to an irritant, allergies are divided into fast, medium and late.

Protection of patients with occupational allergies. Treatment

If the cause of allergies and asthma is precisely established, isolation from the stimulus is recommended for patients to avoid irreversible effects and increase the reaction. With an ideal approach, a person is transferred to such a site in the same enterprise where there is no contact with the reagent. Another way to strengthen protection against allergens is to strengthen the means and methods of individual protection of the respiratory tract. In cases where exposure occurs at a low molecular level and it is not possible to protect yourself from allergic substances, you will have to change your job. If the patient remains at the same place of work with strengthening personal protective equipment, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the occurrence of manifestations and conduct regular examinations.
Asthma is today a fairly common and serious disease that worsens the quality of life, and sometimes carries a threat to life itself. Be attentive to the manifestations of allergic asthma in the workplace and, in case of suspicion, contact a specialist to make a diagnosis and begin adequate treatment early.