Each parent begins to worry when his child falls ill. Some immediately lead to a doctor, and some let it go. There are diseases that can be a serious threat to a child, one of which is bronchitis. Bronchitis is a bacterial respiratory disease that, if treated incorrectly or not at all, can cause major complications such as pneumonia and bronchial asthma. There are two types of bronchitis: common and obstructive.

Many parents confuse the common cold or SARS with bronchitis. In order not to miss the disease and start timely treatment, you need to know the symptoms of bronchitis.

Symptoms of ordinary bronchitis:

  1. Weakness
  2. Dry and violent cough
  3. Temperature
  4. Gurgling rales
  5. Conjunctivitis

The severity of the disease is different for each child, it all depends on the baby’s immunity. In children from 1 to 3 years of age, bronchitis occurs more often than in adolescent children, because the immunity is not strong and has not been fully formed.

Obstructive bronchitis symptoms:

  1. Breathing is hoarse and noisy
  2. Extended exhalation
  3. Vomiting cough
  4. Bloating
  5. Dry cough attacks

As a rule, with obstructive bronchitis, the temperature does not rise. In any case, when these signs appear, it is imperative to go to an appointment with a pediatrician; you cannot self-medicate for any symptoms.

Bronchitis treatment

When contacting a specialist, he must listen to the child and take tests, in some cases an x-ray is taken. In complicated forms of the disease, hospitalization is performed. If bronchitis is not started, it is necessary, if there is a temperature, the child to lie in bed and often drink tea, water or stewed fruit. At temperature, the volume of fluid consumed is increased by one and a half times, so that there is no dehydration of the body and heavy drinking helps to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum from the lungs. If the baby is breast-fed, then you need to apply to the mother’s breast. Most often, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs, antibiotics in case the disease is bacterial in nature. Prescribe inhalations, cough suppressants that break up phlegm in the lungs and promote its excretion, but if the baby is breastfeeding, it is forbidden to give such medicines.

In order to prevent the occurrence of such diseases, parents need to constantly monitor the humidity and freshness of the air in the house, provide the child with a sufficient number of walks in the fresh air, temper and supply the child with vitamins.