
Management and delivery of pregnant women with bronchial asthma

Lung diseases are quite common among pregnant women: 5-9% suffer from chronic asthma, exacerbation of asthma, together with pneumonia, gives 10% of all hospitalizations due to extragenital pathology, in 10% maternal mortality is due to pulmonary embolism.Management and delivery of pregnant women with bronchial asthma Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory...

Management and delivery of pregnant women with pneumonia

Pregnancy does not increase the likelihood of illness.The incidence of pneumonia is 1.5: 1000 or 1: 660 pregnant. Pregnant women with this disease usually have a concomitant pathology, such as anemia, HIV infection, and drug dependence. Pneumonia account for 4-5% of all cases of hospitalization of pregnant women due to extragenital pathology and are the most common...

Errors in the diagnosis of asthma in children

Not a single kind of human activity can do without mistakes, and this fully applies to healing. However, the specificity of medical activity, its direct relationship with human health and human life prompts doctors to closely and self-critically analyze diagnostic errors. Naturally, they are possible in all areas of medicine, including respiratory diseases. In the diagnosis of...

Broncho obstructive syndrome in young children

In recent years, medical practitioners have increasingly encountered a condition such as bronchial obstruction. Obstruction translated from Latin means a barrier, an obstacle.Various factors influence the onset and development of bronchial obstructive syndrome (BOS) in young children. So, a viral infection is of great importance. The viruses that most often cause obstructive syndrome include respiratory syncytial virus (about...

The principles of pathogenetic therapy of bronchial asthma in young children

The last decade was marked by a revision of views on the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma (AD) in both adults and children. It is proved that the disease is based on the chronic inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, which causes their hyperreactivity, which is clinically manifested by bronchial obstructive syndrome and other respiratory symptoms. The...

Bronchoscopy for bronchial asthma in children

Leaving aside the indisputable role of endoscopy in the differential diagnosis of diseases manifested by obstructive syndrome, identifying their development with asthma – foreign bodies, neoplasms, congenital malformations of the tracheo-bronchial tree, etc., – it should be emphasized that opinions on the advisability of bronchoscopy in patients with asthma diverge. Some authors, attaching great importance...

Clinic and diagnosis of bronchitis

Bronchitis is one of the most common forms of respiratory damage in children. These are inflammatory diseases of the bronchi of various etiologies (allergic, infectious, physico-chemical, etc. In most cases, acute bronchitis is observed , which is the most frequent manifestation or complication of an acute respiratory viral or viral-bacterial infection and proceeds without signs of bronchial obstruction.  Etiology. Most often children...

Principles and indications for intensive care of bronchial asthma in children

Basic principles of intensive care • Oxygen therapy with maintenance of Sa02 more than 95% • Continued beta-2 agonist therapy • Systemic glucocorticosteroids parenterally up to 10 mg / kg / day or per os • Methylxanthines (eufillin) IV 4.5-5 mg / kg for 20-30 minutes, followed by continuous infusion at a dose of 0.6-0.8...

The frequency of bronchial obstructive syndrome in young children

To date, data on the frequency of biofeedback in children of the first three years of life remain debatable. Obviously, the frequency of development of biofeedback depends not only on the age of the examined groups of children, but also on many other factors: environmental, social, etc. At the same time, the frequency of severe and /...

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of bronchial obstructive disease in young children

In the genesis of bronchial obstruction are various pathogenetic mechanisms, the main of which are bronchospasm, inflammatory infiltration, edema, hypersecretion of viscous mucus, mucociliary insufficiency, obstruction or deformation of the bronchi and others. Obviously, the clinical and laboratory manifestations of biofeedback have not only common characteristics, but largely depend on the causes of the development of...