
How to treat coughing while breastfeeding

The answer to the question of how to treat a cough during breastfeeding depends, first of all, on what causes the development of the pathological process in the body of a nursing mother. Treatment for women during breastfeeding is complicated by the fact that the choice of medications that are approved for use during these...

Why does an adult cough for a long time and what to do

If an adult does not cough, this is most often caused by improper treatment of an existing disease. The most common causes are self-medication or lack of treatment for colds. Therapy of patients with diseases accompanied by coughing attacks is often carried out at home, only in severe cases, it is carried out in a hospital....

How to stop a coughing fit in adults without medication

If a coughing attack occurs at night, it is not always possible to immediately seek medical help. You can stop an attack at night without medication. There are several ways to stop a coughing attack at home: warm drinking, inhalation, massage, compresses. You can stop a coughing attack without medication, but this is only a temporary measure...

Bronchial asthma and respiratory viral infection

The main risk factor for asthma in childhood is considered a genetic predisposition to allergies, together with the early exposure to aeroallergens and sensitization of the respiratory tract to them. While exposure to allergens can actually exacerbate, most acute asthma attacks in children, especially young children, are associated with a respiratory viral infection. The relationship between a...

Bronchial asthma: signs, provoking factors, self-control, treatment

The number of people suffering from bronchial asthma at the moment will impress anyone – at least 300 million people (from 5 to 15% of the world population – data from the World Health Organization). Moreover, which is no less alarming, there is no tendency to decrease the prevalence of this disease. On the contrary! The number of...

Bronchial asthma attack: first aid

Asthma patients look like completely healthy people until they have an attack. Asthma is a disease with intermittent asthma attacks occurring due to narrowing of the bronchi. Causes of narrowing of the bronchi: spasm of the muscles of the bronchi; swelling of the mucosa; increased production of mucus. Asthmatics have very sensitive airways. An attack can occur...

Life with asthma

The life of an asthma patient should not be different from the life of people who do not suffer from this disease. You feel your body better than anyone else, so you can do a lot to improve your well-being. It is important to adhere strictly to the treatment plan and to avoid factors causing an asthma...

Exacerbation of asthma

An asthma attack is a sharp deterioration. The cause of the attack can be several: excessive exercise, various environmental factors, stress and contact with allergens. During an asthma attack, the airways become inflamed, narrowed, and mucus secretion increases. All this can cause breathing problems, wheezing, coughing, lack of air, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. The manifestation...

Asthma control

In asthma, it is very important to monitor your health on a daily basis. One method is the asthma control test already mentioned, as well as PEF metry. The PEF meter is a device that measures the maximum expiratory flow rate. With it, you can evaluate the movement of air in the respiratory tract and the strength of...

The incidence of asthma

In Russia, bronchial asthma, judging by the literature, until 1900 was a relatively rare disease. In Russian medical journals of the time, we came across a report on isolated diseases of bronchial asthma in adults and children with a description of the results of sputum and blood tests (A. A. Kisel, 1894; L. Sverzhevsky, 1894; D....