Young woman dies from asthma

Asthma dies every day. But this is not always made public. Yes, and what is it for? Why scare people. On the contrary, our medicine has chosen an invulnerable position: asthma is incurable, but not fatal, if you take medication regularly (every day). And it does not matter that the price of a saving spray is 10-20 US dollars, and sometimes more – depending on the greed of the pharmacist. But sometimes punctures happen in the healthcare organization. A couple of years ago: a 19-year-old mother of two children died in Yaroslavl. The girl became ill – an asthma attack. Eleven-year-old sister called an ambulance, but they did not believe her for a long time. As a result, the doctors arrived too late. As a result, death from asthma . An investigation was carried out in this case. The press secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation said that the check on this case was completed, and no violations in the procedure for providing medical care were identified.

Comment: Instantaneous death from asthma with a developed attack of suffocation is impossible. Sometimes it lasts for hours. An exception is sudden death, but in such a situation there is no time to even think about calling an ambulance. So, if relatives called an ambulance, this is not the case. And the situation repeated again: once again they didn’t have time … Death from asthma can be for two main reasons: sudden death from asthma – no ambulance will help here. The asthmatic dies suddenly. And Death from a fatal attack that turned into asthmatic status. Status asthmaticus is a condition in which an overdose of bronchodilator drugs causes the bronchi to become paralytically dilated and become completely clogged with mucus. In this case, urgent resuscitation is necessary and it is still possible to save the patient.

Asthma in newborns

Asthma can be induced by cosmetic ingredients

In one of the scientific journals – Environmental Health Perspectives – published data that phthalates – compounds widely used in cosmetics (creams, lotions, etc.) during pregnancy increase the risk of developing asthma in future children by 70%. Scientists have found that babies born to mothers exposed to high levels of butylbenzyl phthalate ( BBzP ) during pregnancy are 72% more likely to develop asthma, and children born to mothers exposed to high levels of di -n- butyl phthalate ( DnBP ) are 78% more likely to develop asthma than children whose mothers were not exposed to these substances.

Comment: when smoothing wrinkles, be careful! And in general, the less the expectant mother catches a cold, gets sick, takes medicine, smokes and uses cosmetics, the healthier her child will be!