Pneumonia is a serious illness that has no age restrictions. It can appear in both a child and an adult. The risk of irreversible pathological changes is increased in childhood and old age. This is due to the state of the immune system. In juvenile patients, it has not yet been formed, and in old people it is weakened due to progressive chronic diseases. This pathology is treated using various techniques. Drug therapy is combined with traditional medicine and physiotherapy.

Massage for pneumonia in children has a powerful positive effect. This method is most often used in order to eliminate the consequences provoked by inflammation in the lungs. The methodology for treating young patients is similar to that used for pneumonia in adults. Among the differences, only the intensity of the impact is distinguished. Children have too sensitive skin, so movements must be careful. Excessive pressure is fraught with the appearance of hematomas.


Therapeutic massage can only be prescribed by the attending physician. This is necessarily preceded by a complete diagnostic examination. The need for regular carrying out of these procedures is due to the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • rough shallow breathing;
  • abundant secretion of sputum (color and ingredients depend on the type of pneumonia);
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • cyanosis of the skin.

Massage is used not only for pneumonia. Clinical manifestations characteristic of bronchial asthma, pneumosclerosis, pleurisy, bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema become a significant reason for its appointment.


Each method of exercise therapy has its own characteristics. Massage is strictly prohibited for hyperthermia. The patient should feel good during the procedure. Among the absolute restrictions are:

  • acute exudative pleurisy;
  • respiratory and heart failure;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • acute and subacute tuberculosis;
  • hemorrhage in the pleural area.


Thanks to the massage course, you can:

  • achieve a faster liquefaction and discharge of sputum;
  • strengthen the muscles that are responsible for the work of the lungs;
  • improve the condition of the circulatory system;
  • accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • restore ventilation of the lungs;
  • prevent the development of emphysematous disorders;
  • reduce the risk of adhesions and scars.

By means of exercise therapy, they strengthen the defense mechanism, cleanse the airways, optimize the lymph circulation in the lungs. As a result, breathing is stabilized, infiltrates and exudates soften. Medicines administered to a patient spread much faster. Because of this, their effectiveness increases. Breathing becomes deeper and thinner.

Execution technique

Massage can be prescribed at any stage of the disease. A child with pneumonia can be treated at home. There are the following types of massage:

  1. Vacuum – you will need special jars for it. After the end of the course, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers improves. Excessive perspiration removes waste and toxins from the body.
  2. Point – through the procedure, internal resources are activated. This helps to speed up the regeneration.

Massage techniques for bronchitis in a child

  1. Segmental – is a unique technique by which the doctor acts on certain parts of the body. This method is often used to assess chest mobility, identify problems with lymph circulation .
  2. Honey – beekeeping products have a complex effect on the body. After being applied to the skin of a child, honey is quickly absorbed. Thanks to its healing properties, lung function is restored after pneumonia.
  3. Percussion – a palm is placed on the baby’s chest, which is hit several times. The same movements are done in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  4. Aroma massage – for its implementation, you need an essential oil obtained on the basis of medicinal herbs. These substances have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and decongestant properties. When inhaling the aroma of the healing mixture, the patient’s breathing is normalized. The most commonly used essential oils are eucalyptus, rosemary, sage, lavender, tea tree, fir and mint.

The massage is often done through vibratory movements. With their help, they achieve a faster separation of the accumulated mucus. The procedure is carried out in a specific sequence: chest in front, neck, chest in back, chest in front.

Also in the massage scheme there are rubbing, tingling, tapping. Kneading muscles has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. All movements must be done with little effort. The session begins and ends with strokes. Before the massage, the patient must take a horizontal position. If necessary, use a special roller.

During the massage, special attention should be paid to the spaces between the ribs, the muscles of the trapezoidal and broadest character. The massage is finished after the skin is reddened. When tapping the chest, be sure to avoid the area of ​​the heart. After the end of the procedure, the patient needs to clear his throat.

During the drainage massage, the doctor bends around the spinal column. This measure prevents damage to the spine. During the procedure, the patient should be in a room with high humidity. Control over body temperature is mandatory. If hyperthermia occurs, the massage is stopped immediately. Otherwise, the patient’s condition will worsen.


Cough, chest pain, and breathing problems are often caused by accumulation of phlegm in the affected bronchi. To restore the functionality of the lungs, it is preliminarily liquefied. This can be done through a medical complex, which includes a drainage massage. The latter is used as an aid.

To achieve the maximum effect, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The massage should be done two hours before bedtime. It is during this period of time that the process of sputum separation is activated, coughing intensifies. This eliminates sleep problems.
  2. The last time you need to eat a few hours before the procedure.
  3. The room where the massage will take place must be regularly ventilated and cleaned.
  4. The duration of the session and the intensity of the manipulations depend on the individual characteristics of the patient, the stage of pneumonia and the severity of complications.
  5. Before the procedure, the child should be given a drug with an expectorant effect. To facilitate the process of discharge of bronchial secretions, he is given a warm drink.

You can massage a child with pneumonia both in a hospital and at home. The procedure must be carried out by a person who has the relevant knowledge and experience. Self-medication for pneumonia is strictly prohibited. Most often, children tolerate manipulations without problems. The therapy takes place under the supervision of a doctor. In the absence of the desired effect, the treatment regimen is revised.