It is impossible to overestimate the importance of healthy respiratory organs, because they provide our body with oxygen. And there are a number of diseases that negatively affect the functioning of the respiratory system and cause a deterioration in the quality of life.

Bronchial asthma. During an asthma attack, muscle spasms around the airways occur, making breathing difficult. The walls of the airways become swollen and covered with thick and sticky mucus. The patient has a noisy, hoarse breathing, he seems to be suffocating, gasping for air. The disease can even lead to death if assistance is not provided on time. For the treatment of asthma, according to the doctor’s prescription, special device-nebulizers are used – inhalers or nebulizers, so that the medicine is delivered directly to the respiratory tract (bronchi and lungs).

Complications of colds and other respiratory diseases. After severe colds, as well as as a result of severe hypothermia, a complication may occur – bronchitis: this is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, during which there is a sore throat and chest, severe cough, and fever. For the treatment of bronchitis and the prevention of the outbreak of bronchial asthma, bed rest is recommended and, as prescribed by a doctor, the use of expectorants, antibiotics, as well as inhalations to facilitate breathing.

Another complication of colds can be pneumonia, or inflammation in the lungs, which lasts, on average, 1-2 weeks. This disease is characterized by fever (sometimes up to 40 ° C), chest pain, chills, shortness of breath. At the same time, such a patient needs fresh air to saturate the blood with oxygen. Treatment for pneumonia, which only a doctor prescribes, can anticipate a course of antibiotics and inhalation to make breathing easier.

For the purpose of accurate, uniform and rapid delivery of a certain drug directly into the tissues of the respiratory organs, a nebulizer (atomizer) is used – a modern medical device that converts a therapeutic dose of drugs into the smallest aerosol for ease of inhalation and better absorption (within 5-10 minutes).

The efficacy and safety of the nebulizer has been scientifically proven, and in many cases it is the only device that, at home, can ensure that the medicine gets directly into the affected area.

The nebulizer system is used as an integral part of therapy for the following conditions and diseases:

• Chronic obstructive bronchitis;

• Pneumonia;

• Acute respiratory diseases (ARI);

• Influenza;

• Bronchial asthma;

• Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;

• and also in the role of prevention.

This treatment device can be used if:

• Fast action of the drug is required;

• It is necessary to use several drugs at the same time;

• Requires inhalation of large quantities of the drug;

• Treatment is required for children under 5 years of age;

• Treatment of elderly people is required;

• Requires treatment of patients who are unable to use other setups to administer medications;

• The patient is in a postoperative state and / or on artificial ventilation .

Nebulizer therapy has many advantages, including: easy inhalation technique, the ability to apply even in the postoperative state of the patient; achievement of the maximum pharmaceutical effect of drugs, as well as their uniform distribution to large areas of damage; lack of traumatic psychological consequences for young patients and the like.