
Cardiac asthma

Cardiac asthma (Asthma cardiale, panting) is an attack of sudden shortness of breath due to acute failure of the left ventricle or left atrium of the heart. Acute left ventricular failure can develop with hypertension, aortic heart defects, coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, nephritis, etc. In this case, the weakened left ventricle is not able to completely...

Pollinosis (hay fever)

Not everyone with the advent of spring rejoices in the ubiquitous flowering of nature. Someone is forced to endure endless coughing fits, nasal congestion and lacrimation. These are the signs of the disease common today – hay fever. This type of disease is found in 5-30% of people around the globe, which makes it more than recognizable. Moreover,...

How to protect your lungs with diet

Diet, as French researchers have shown, can significantly reduce the risk of developing and slow the progression of COPD, as well as alleviate other diseases of the respiratory system. During the study, more than 120 thousand people were interviewed. The observational results are as follows: those who regularly consumed nuts, vegetables, cereals, and foods rich in...

Experts discussed the treatment of asthma

More than 100 different events took place from October 29 to November 1 during the XXIX National Congress on Respiratory Diseases. In this year the organizers have paid special attention to the problems of the treatment of severe asthma.        The fact that lung diseases are mainly affected by poor ecology is a common misconception. Congress experts noted that this factor in the short term has the greatest impact on the...

Broccoli cabbage is good for asthma

A daily addition of one serving of steamed broccoli to the diet can help asthma sufferers, according to Australian researchers at the University of Melbourne. The thing is the high content of sulforaphane, which prevents the transmission of respiratory infections.      Based on the study, scientists came to the conclusion that asthma patients who ate 1-2 servings of broccoli a day were less susceptible to respiratory infections that exacerbate...

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract in which inflammation develops in the bronchi causing a narrowing of their lumen. It is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the bronchi to external and internal stimuli and is manifested by periodically occurring attacks of suffocation. The fact is that under the influence of a triggering factor,...

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma

Moscow, April 24, 2012 – within the framework of the XIX Russian National Congress “Man and Medicine”, Novartis held a symposium “In Search of the Edge between Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” under the guidance of Academician A. G. Chuchalin. Acute and chronic respiratory diseases in Russia averaged 40% of the total morbidity...

Bronchial asthma: a study of arterial blood gases

The study of arterial blood gases. Imbalance between ventilation and perfusion of the lungs leads to a decrease in paO2 , which can be observed even in the interictal period. However, even with normal paO2, p (Aa) O2 can be increased (more than 20 mmHg).     To determine p (Aa) O2, pAO2 is first calculated using the following formula:   pAO2 = pIO2 – paCO2 /...

Bronchial asthma: a study of the function of external respiration

Study of the function of external respiration. Respiratory disorders in bronchial asthma are caused by reversible airway obstruction, which is manifested primarily by a decrease in FEV1 and PIC . These indicators usually quickly normalize after the use of bronchodilators . An increase in FEV1 after the use of bronchodilators by more than 20% indicates a reversible bronchospasm. With obstruction of the bronchi with...

Bronchial asthma: history

An anamnesis is of great importance in the diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma is excluded in all cases of causeless shortness of breath or paroxysmal cough , as well as with frequent bronchitis and pneumonia , especially in children. In most cases, the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is easy to make.         The severity of the disease can be judged by the frequency,...