Pneumonia is a disease of the respiratory system that can be caused by various etiological factors. In the affected area are the respiratory parts of the lungs. The risk of developing pathological changes in the parenchymal tissue is increased in babies with a history of cardiovascular ailments and immunodeficiency. 

In the treatment of pneumonia in children , medications and physiotherapy procedures are used in parallel with folk remedies. The condition of a child suffering from pneumonia is greatly aggravated by hypothermia and overheating of the body. Based on the modern classification, pneumonia can be secondary and primary. In any case, the pathogenesis is due to the following factors: 


  • Infectious contamination.
  • The penetration of pathogens into the bronchi.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity.
  • An increase in the amount of bronchial secretions, leading to the formation of sputum.

Pneumonia provokes disruptions in gas exchange and ventilation. The list of complications includes partial dysfunction of the ventricular myocardium, hypercapnia and hypoxia. The clinic depends on the type of ailment, the affected area, the nature of the course and the existing chronic diseases. Most often, the following symptoms occur:

  • hyperthermia;
  • rough shallow breathing;
  • general malaise;
  • Strong headache;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • cough.

During the diagnostic examination, the doctor reveals a shortening of the percussion sound, increased ESR, bronchophonia , crepitus, neutrophilic leukocytosis.

The effectiveness of traditional medicine for pneumonia

Home treatments must be approved by your healthcare professional. Alternative medicine is used as adjunctive therapy. When using them, the following goals are pursued: 

  • Relief of the inflammatory process.
  • Reduction of the affected area.
  • Elimination of clinical manifestations of pneumonia.
  • Neutralization of pathogens.

Medicinal formulations prepared on the basis of natural ingredients have a complex effect on the patient. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti- exudative , vasodilating and antihistaminic properties, as well as no side effects. 

Pneumonia is an ailment from which patients of different age groups can suffer. Inflammation of the lungs is especially difficult in babies. This is due to the immaturity of the immune system and increased sensitivity to harmful microflora.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, taking folk remedies against pneumonia must be combined with:

  • bed rest;
  • traditional treatment; 
  • vitamin therapy;
  • corrected drinking regime;
  • sparing diet;
  • breathing exercises.

The list of mandatory measures also includes regular cleaning and airing of residential premises. When treating infants and newborn babies, dosed aeration is required.

Effective recipes

The medications used in the treatment of pneumonia are selected by the doctor. The same goes for folk remedies. There are many recipes through which you can achieve a faster recovery. They are distinguished by their high efficiency and duration of action.

The only drawback is that the desired result occurs only after a certain period of time after the start of therapy. Natural medicinal formulations are good at relieving symptoms characteristic of pneumonia. Medicines from this group are used not only during the course of the main therapeutic course, but also during prophylaxis.

Anise infusion

Anise is a medicinal plant, from the grass and seeds of which tinctures, decoctions and infusions for pneumonia are made. The plant contains components such as:

  • essential oils;
  • Sahara;
  • protein compounds;
  • dipentene ;
  • organic acids;
  • camphene.

The spice has antispasmodic, analgesic, antipyretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Compositions that contain it enhance the effect obtained when taking antibiotics. Treatment for pneumonia should last 7-10 days.

To make tea, you will need one teaspoon of anise seeds and 200 ml of boiling water. The finished drink is taken before meals. Thus, they strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition. Anise infusion is used for pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tracheitis and laryngitis. Gargle with a ready – made composition .

Medicines for pneumonia prepared on the basis of anise are strictly forbidden to take if the patient suffers from gastrointestinal diseases. Pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to anise become a weighty reason for refusal.

Radish and honey

Beekeeping products and ripe black radish are often used to treat pneumonia.

The tool is prepared as follows:

  • Choose a root vegetable.
  • Cut off the “lid”.
  • A small amount of pulp is removed.
  • Several teaspoons of linden honey are placed in the formed depression.
  • The radish is covered with a “lid”.

The resulting syrup is used as a medicine. The result of treatment is a softening of the cough.

The use of plantain

Plantain for pneumonia is used to prepare an infusion. It contains 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of the specified plant and one glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for 15 minutes. With pneumonia, the medicine is taken half an hour before meals.

For tincture, you will need 20 g of dry plantain mixture and a glass of vodka. The finished mixture is left alone for 2 weeks. The medicine should be stored in a cool dark place. Strain the tincture before use.

To get rid of pneumonia, plantain syrup is used. The leaves are taken from a young plant. They are washed, cut and placed in a jar. Each layer is covered with sugar or poured with honey. The remedy is insisted for 10 days. At the last stage, the syrup is drained.

Herbal infusions

To relieve the clinical manifestations of pneumonia, prescription drugs are made, which are based on medicinal herbs such as: 

  • knotweed;
  • coltsfoot;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • oregano;
  • zopnik ;
  • aloe.

The list of medicinal plants used for pneumonia can be supplemented with thyme, dill, licorice, ivy bud .

Pine buds

This component has a powerful healing effect in the treatment of pneumonia . It is due to its chemical composition. It includes the following ingredients: ascorbic acid, bitterness, tannins, resins, alkaloids, phytoncides. Pine buds are characterized by expectorant, cleansing, bactericidal and restorative effects. Medicines for pneumonia, in addition to the main component, may contain milk, alcohol solutions and other natural ingredients.   

Butter and propolis

A mixture of propolis and butter has strong antibacterial properties. The medical composition is made following the algorithm:

  • Butter and honey are heated.
  • The resulting mixture is placed in a glass jar, which is then placed in a water bath.
  • Propolis is added to the warmed-up product. The latter is pre-wrapped in several layers of gauze.
  • After 15 minutes, the fabric is removed, and the finished mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The medicine for pneumonia is given to the child at bedtime. The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition.

Honey massage

By means of honey massage, the affected segments of the respiratory system are warmed up, the skin is cleansed and the blood and lymph circulation is improved . During the massage, painful sensations may occur, therefore it is not prescribed for children who are less than 7 years old. Treatment of pneumonia should be under the supervision of a specialist. Particular care should be taken when acting on the spine, heart, neck and mammary glands.

A set of breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics must be included in the therapeutic scheme for pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process in the lungs disrupts the work of the bronchi and alveoli. Due to respiratory failure, an imbalance of gas exchange develops, which provokes a decrease in the functionality of the respiratory system. Through exercise, muscles are strengthened, immune barriers are raised, and lung tissue is cleansed. Thus, they prevent the occurrence of serious complications of pneumonia.

Varieties of compresses

Pneumonia in children is often treated with compresses. The medicinal compounds on the basis of which they are made are prepared from plantain, natural honey, apple cider vinegar, and sauerkraut. There are many possible variations. The rules for the procedure are quite simple:  

  • Compresses should not be done at elevated body temperature.
  • There should be a cotton cloth or gauze between the skin and the medicinal composition. This will avoid burns and allergic reactions when treating pneumonia.
  • To achieve a positive result, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor.

What can be used as an expectorant

Medicines that improve the process of excretion of sputum in pneumonia are prepared not only from the above ingredients. In addition to them, viburnum, onions, marshmallows and even cottage cheese are used. In any case, treatment should be combined. It must be remembered that expectorants cannot be taken in conjunction with drugs that stop the work of the cough center. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to achieve a positive effect.

Folk remedies for enhancing immunity in a child

In the treatment of focal pneumonia, substances with immunostimulating properties must be used. The child’s immunity can be increased through decoctions of aloe, rose hips. They also use fruit drink prepared on the basis of cranberries and wild berries. The diet should include walnuts, fresh fruits and vegetables.  

It should be noted that alternative medicine methods for pneumonia cannot be used as the main therapy. When drawing up a treatment regimen, the doctor focuses on the intensity of clinical manifestations and the nature of the inflammation of the lung tissue. Treatment of childhood pneumonia with folk remedies should be agreed with the pediatrician.