Symptoms and treatment of allergic asthma
The reasons
Under bronchial asthma (BA), specialists understand the pathology associated with chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and its increased sensitivity (hyperreactivity) to chemicals, dust particles and other irritants. In the atopic or allergic variant of the course of the disease, immune reactions are involved in the mechanism of the development of disorders (pathogenesis) - sensitization is formed (excessive susceptibility to a specific foreign substance, also called an antigen). Allergic asthma is a disease often mediated by an aggravated hereditary predisposition to increased production of specific protein complexes - immunoglobulins of class E (IgE). Such a phenomenon in medicine is called atopy. The first symptoms of disorders of the respiratory system often appear in childhood, while combining with other genetically determined forms of allergy - a lesion of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) and skin (dermatitis). Etiology, that is, the cause of the development of atopic asthma, may be due to the influence of various factors. In the first place - burdened heredity, that is, the presence of the disease among family members with whom there is blood relationship. However, other triggers (provocateurs) are also important: Respiratory infections. Frequent contact with allergens (dust, chemicals, medicines, food). Irrational medication. Environmental air pollution. Smoking (including passive). Malnutrition. Overweight. Stress. The pathogenesis of atopic asthma is based on an immediate type of hypersensitivity immune response.

Class E immunoglobulins are involved in its development, and the focus of inflammation is in the bronchi; Hyper-reactivity is a pathologically modified protective reaction - spasm (muscle contraction and narrowing of the airway lumen) in response to exposure to an irritant.
The disease occurs chronically in the form of attacks. There are episodes of exacerbation, which are replaced by a stage of remission (subsidence of manifestations). The severity of the signs of pathology depends on various factors: the severity of the disorder, the age and general condition of the patient. In this case, the obstruction, that is, the decrease in the patency of the bronchi, may be reversible or persistent, not amenable to correction. Typical symptoms of allergic asthma This is a group of manifestations that are considered the most characteristic and expected for the disease. They can be observed in the period of exacerbation: asphyxiation; dry wheezing in the lungs; tension during breathing, aggravated by exertion; paroxysmal cough; difficulty speaking, agitation, sometimes sweating; feeling of tightness and sometimes pain in the chest. Classic cough is unproductive (dry), but at the end of the attack is accompanied by the release of viscous "vitreous" sputum in a small amount. This brings relief to the patient, since the accumulated mucus increases the obstruction of the already-narrowed spasm of the airways. Rattles in the patient's chest can be heard even at a distance from him; in severe exacerbations, a person assumes a forced position — rests on his hands, limits activity, so as not to intensify shortness of breath. Additional manifestations They are also called "harbingers" of an attack. Atopic bronchial asthma is accompanied by such signs as: Unexplained excitement, fear. Itching in the area under the chin. Shivering in the back, discomfort between the shoulder blades. Nasal congestion, sneezing. Itchy rash on the skin in the form of blisters (urticaria). Drowsiness. Pallor, and after cyanosis (cyanosis), especially pronounced in the region of the nasolabial triangle. Difficulty speaking, inattention. As a rule, at the stage of changing the hue of the skin, it is already possible to observe shortness of breath, a coughing fit is likely to start, a rise in heart rate (tachycardia) is noted. Probable accompanying symptoms Patients with allergic asthma often experience signs of other diseases associated with atopy: rhinitis and dermatitis. Therefore, during the examination such manifestations as: nasal congestion; sneezing; rash, itching and dry skin; traces of scratching.
Even if the patient is in a state of remission, he may mention that he suffers from a head cold during flowering of plants or uses care products for "atopic skin", is forced to struggle with rashes and itching. However, you should pay attention to the fact that neither rhinitis nor dermatitis are not required in case of bronchial asthma pathologies. It is important to know that with a severe asthma attack, wheezing may be absent. This is due to severe bronchial obstruction and a significant decrease in the volume of air flow into the lungs. Diagnostics It begins with the evaluation of patient complaints, an objective examination in the doctor's office. Additional methods are also used. Laboratory tests Provide information for the differential diagnosis and provide an indication of the allergic nature of asthma. Apply such research as: Blood test. The level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is evaluated, and the count of eosinophil cells is calculated when calculating the leukocyte formula. Sputum test. It helps to determine the nature of inflammation in the bronchi, to find the basic differences between allergies and infection. Linked immunosorbent assay. Used to assess the overall level of IgE and search for specific immunoglobulins that are responsible for the reactions of individual sensitivity to allergens. A referral for examination is given by a general practitioner or a specialist in the field of diagnosis of respiratory diseases (for example, a pulmonologist).
Instrumental methods These include studies designed to assess respiratory function and tests used for differential diagnosis with other diseases; the standard algorithm includes such methods as: spirometry (estimated lung capacity, the presence of airway obstruction is detected); radiography of the chest (allows you to detect volume formation or signs of inflammatory changes in the lungs); bronchoscopy (it is ascertained the condition of the mucous membrane with the help of an optical endoscope probe); peak flow measurement (measured peak expiratory flow rate, or PSV - an indicator used to monitor the effectiveness of asthma therapy). A test with bronchodilator is also used - a drug that improves the patency of the respiratory tract during obstruction. The patient is undergoing spirometry, then the medication is inhaled (usually it is Salbutamol). After this, the study is repeated; the presence of pathological changes is confirmed if the indicator of forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) increases by 12% or more compared to the original data. Skin and provocative tests are needed to confirm the reaction to allergens. The study is performed outside the acute phase of asthma; it requires careful risk assessment, since direct contact with the provocative substance can cause bronchospasm, urticaria, angioedema, or other dangerous consequences. Skin tests are most in demand; the technique of carrying out involves the step-by-step implementation of the steps: Applying the substance on the selected skin area. The use of control media (drugs that must cause a reaction). Skin damage (puncture, scratch); Injection method is sometimes used. 4. Observation. On the positive result says the appearance of redness, itching, blister. Provocative tests (inhalation of allergens, the introduction of drops in the eyes and nose) are used extremely limited.
Asthma is a chronic disease that has several stages and can occur both in the form of easily tolerable episodes (intermittent form, first stage), and in a more severe form (persist). Therapy should be selected in such a way as to control the violations - to prevent the occurrence of exacerbations and maintain a state of remission. The treatment of allergic asthma includes several basic methods that can be described in the table: Method Essence Features Elimination Ceasing contact with allergens that cause asthma attacks. These can be: house dust mites, chemicals, latex, food, cosmetics, plant pollen, saliva and animal hair. It requires a search for triggers (including using laboratory tests, skin tests), continuous and daily observance of the rules of elimination: wet cleaning, use of a vacuum cleaner with a filter, diet. Correction of lifestyle. It is necessary to avoid excessive physical exertion, stress, hypothermia. In the event of acute infections, including respiratory infections - to be treated promptly. Vaccination against influenza is recommended for patients with allergic asthma, since the disease worsens the course of the underlying pathology and can cause a breakdown of remission. Taking medications Beta2-agonists (Salbutamol, Formoterol), inhaled glucocorticosteroids (Fluticasone), anti-leukotriene preparations (Montelukast), cromones (Intal) are used for the basic regimen. Methylxanthines (Theophylline), monoclonal antibodies (Omalizumab) are also used. Popular and combination drugs based on active substances from different groups (for example, seretid). Additionally, antihistamines (Cetrin, Loratadine) and mucolytics (Lasolvan, Acetylcysteine) can be prescribed, but they do not affect the course of the disease and only help to temporarily eliminate the symptoms (runny nose, itchy skin, etc.). Treatment may begin with the maximum or vice versa, the lowest doses. The choice depends on the form of asthma, comorbidities; if you need to cancel glucocorticosteroids need to perform it gradually. ASIT (Allergy-Specific Immunotherapy) Incremental doses of the antigen to which sensitization has arisen are administered to the patient's body in order to form tolerance (immunity) to it. It is carried out only by a trained allergist. Uncontrolled asthma is a contraindication, as is pregnancy, lactation, age less than 5 years old, the presence of tumors, a severe immunodeficiency state, and any acute pathologies. For asthma therapy to be effective, the patient must be trained in proper inhalation techniques. Before using the bottle for the first time, you must remove the cap and spray the medicine twice into the air to check the working condition. If everything is in order, you can continue the procedure - exhaling, shake the container with the drug, wrap the mouthpiece with your lips (without biting) and press the bottle on top with your thumb (1 pressure - 1 dose), inhale slowly and deeply. Prevention and prognosis Measures aimed at preventing the development of the disease include: limiting the influence of occupational hazards; rational nutrition of women during pregnancy and lactation; timely treatment of respiratory infections; reasonable medication; to give up smoking; preservation of breastfeeding. With already existing asthma, you need to monitor the stability of the state: Follow the doctor's recommendations (including the principles of allergen elimination). Take prescribed drugs in the form of pills and inhalations. Avoid contact with tobacco smoke. Avoid stress, excessive exercise.
Atopic asthma is often detected in patients of military age. In this case, the army is not always obligatory: the category of fitness is determined during the passage of a medical examination procedure. According to its results, a citizen can be recognized as seriously ill (in this case, he is released from service), sent to the reserve or for additional examination and treatment. The prognosis for asthma, especially if therapy is started at the stage of a mild course, is favorable. However, there are severe forms that lead to the development of respiratory failure and with an acute attack that can pose a threat to life. What you need to know Before you begin treating an allergy, remember a few simple and important rules that will allow you not only to maintain your health, but also your budget. Allergies should not be left without attention - the consequences can be very serious. Even the 3rd and 4th generation drugs only eliminate the symptoms, and do not cure the disease. Since the drugstores purchased these drugs in large quantities - they need to sell them. They simply do not sell drugs that can cure allergies, because a complex of drugs that bring down symptoms has already been purchased and will be sold permanently (and not one-time).
Infectious and allergic bronchial asthma
What is infectious-allergic bronchial asthma
Experts define this process as a chronic disease of the respiratory tract.
For this disease is characteristic:
- Infectious-allergic form of the inflammatory process.
- Increased reactivity of the bronchi to the internal and external effects.
- The development of this disease contribute to a variety of factors, one of the main is a hereditary factor.
The disease is characterized by difficulty breathing, coughing, and attacks of breathlessness. SARS, bronchitis can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
This disease has a type called infectious asthma. It is characterized by certain features.
Infectious-dependent bronchial asthma
The disease is closely associated with bronchial infection. It is a disease of the respiratory tract, when cough is present, sputum is secreted.
Transferred viral infection does not pass for the body without a trace, most often remains in the form of the disease. Chronic inflammation and hyperactivity of the bronchi leads to the development of the disease.
A choking and coughing attack can cause:
- Strong emotions, laughter;
- Exercise stress;
- Lively conversation;
- Dust, animal hair, pollen.
It is recommended to start treatment as soon as possible.
Experts identify several of them that occur most frequently.
These include:
- Human contact with aggressive allergens;
- Being in a building with mold;
- Inhalation of industrial impurities, exhaust gases;
- Work in hazardous production;
- Unfavorable ecology;
- Long-term use of certain medications;
- Abuse of preservatives;
- Transferred infectious disease.
They manifest themselves in this way:
- Labored breathing;
- Suffocation;
- Dyspnea;
- Wheezing, whistling in the process of breathing;
- Cough with sputum;
- Rapid shallow breathing;
- Pain in the chest.
A person with infectious-allergic asthma feels weak, there is dizziness. He is unable to perform complex tasks that require a lot of effort. He has a low level of performance, there is drowsiness.
Diagnosis of the disease
The disease is diagnosed by an experienced doctor in the hospital. Independently to determine infectious-allergic asthma will not work: you need certain knowledge and medical devices.
The following methods are used as diagnostics:
- Research using a spirometer.
- Sputum analysis.
- Allergic test.
Differential diagnostics
The choking attack cannot speak about the presence of infectious-allergic asthma. This symptom occurs in other diseases.
The main ones are:
- Cardiomyopathy;
- Acute arrhythmia;
- Hysteria;
- Acute jade.
Doctors often have to differentiate bronchial asthma from asthma caused by a cardiovascular disorder. Attacks of cardiac asthma are characteristic of the elderly, who suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
The attack may appear on the background of increased blood pressure, overstrain. After coughing, sputum may also appear.
If the airway is blocked by a foreign body, similar symptoms may occur. There may be asthma, breathing problems. However, wheezing in the lungs does not happen.
Women have a condition that experts call "hysterical asthma." These are disorders of the nervous system, in which breathing is accompanied by convulsive crying.

The diaphragm is actively moving, inhaling and exhaling intensify. In the lungs there is no wheezing, sputum does not appear. Cough occurs very rarely.
This disease includes complex therapy. First, the specialist conducts actions to destroy the foci of infection.
The doctor selects drugs that are not only highly effective, but also have a minimal amount of complications and side effects.
During therapy, measures are taken to combat impaired bronchial patency.
For this are assigned:
- Drugs containing aminophylline;
- Bronchodilator medications;
- Aerosols.
During the period of illness a lot of sputum is secreted, which contains harmful microorganisms. To enhance the immune system, the body's resistance, appointed fortifying agents. Expectorant fees and teas are also suitable.
If you follow certain rules, the emergence of infectious-allergic asthma can be avoided. Experts recommend to follow them, then you will be able to maintain health.
Preventive measures include:
- It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the house;
- We must avoid cigarette smoke;
- It is recommended to quit smoking;
- You need to visit a doctor when the first violations in the body;
- The room must be regularly ventilated;
- Colds should be treated immediately so that no complications appear;
- Exercise should be moderate;
- We must stay away from industrial buildings.
This disease is very serious. It appears after infections. Treatment should start as soon as possible. Careful attention to health will avoid complications. A timely visit to the hospital will help stop the progression of the disease and recover.
Infectious and allergic bronchial asthma
Often, for diseases of the respiratory system, experts determine the diagnosis of asthma. However, in most specific cases we are talking about infectious-dependent bronchial asthma, which doctors often confuse with bronchial asthma.
Summary of the article
Infectious asthma and its distinctive features
The basis of this form of asthma is the formation of infectious allergies in combination with various non-immunological mechanisms. More than 80% of patients with bronchial asthma suffer precisely from its infectious-allergic type. At the same time, the first attack of bronchial asthma appears immediately after an acute infection has entered the respiratory system.
However, medical practice shows that in almost 30% of cases, the infection makes the body weaker. Due to this, the throughput of the bronchial mucosa is increased and it is easier for external allergens to penetrate it.
Modern medicine has proven that the bacteria themselves, as well as their metabolic products, are the main allergens in the body. In the process of narrowing of the bronchi, special attention is given to the swelling of the mucous membrane (allergic or inflammatory). As well as blockage of the bronchi more abundant secret, but bronchospasm is given less significant value.
IMPORTANT! A characteristic feature of this form of the disease is the body's resistance to the production of adrenaline. With such a disorder, doctors prescribe special stimulants for the production of this hormone.
Infectious-dependent bronchial asthma: clinical presentation and symptoms
The infectious-allergic form of bronchial asthma is more characteristic of middle age. The maximum number of patients falls on the age range of 30-40 years.
Predisposition to inherit the disease in the descending line is very high, but is less common than in the atopic form. The main clinical sign of the disease is its close connection with the recent inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. The most common infectious disease preceding bronchial asthma is bronchitis.
Infectious bronchial asthma has its own clinical features. Attacks occur immediately after the infection has entered the respiratory tract or after a very short period of time. Exacerbation of infection always leads to worsening of bronchial asthma. Patients often feel worse in the spring and autumn. Gradual ascent and not sharp in nature - the main characteristics of the attack. However, their duration and ability to move into the suffocating status is very dangerous.
IMPORTANT! An additional symptom of an infectious-allergic form of the disease is difficulty in breathing during hypothermia, or with increasing physical activity. Therefore, this form is often initially confused with physical stress asthma. A more detailed study of the observed constancy of symptoms that are not dependent on the loads, and change the diagnosis.
In case of illness, an attack begins with coughing and is accompanied by a slight rise in temperature and neutrophilia. After an attack, the patient’s breathing remains difficult for a long time and is characterized by dry rales of varying degrees.
Infectious-dependent bronchial asthma in children is often manifested when the situation changes. For example: an allergic reaction to a dusty room or coat, and can manifest itself only by coughing. In this case, it is very difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis.
Treatment of Infectious Asthma
When diagnosing an infectious origin of the disease, it is initially necessary to detect the focus of the disease. It is mainly located in the lungs, but in some cases it can settle in the nasal region or gallbladder.
In the treatment of infectious-allergic bronchial asthma, they are repelled by the variant of its course, the complications that have arisen, as well as the associated diseases. The basic principles of treatment are the treatment of symptoms, etiology and pathogenesis.
Etiology therapy involves the elimination of acute or persistent inflammation in the respiratory system or in the body as a whole. To do this, use antibacterial drugs that can improve the bronchi or eliminate foci of infection in the oral and nasal area.
The treatment of pathogenesis and symptoms include:
- Measures to reduce allergenic sensitivity, conducted during the "lull" period.
- Comprehensive non-specific desensitization therapy.
- Elimination of bronchial obstruction with bronchodilators, mucolytic and antimuscular drugs.
- Glucocorticosteroid therapy.
Physical therapy, exercise therapy and sanatorium treatment
Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to treat infectious-allergic bronchial asthma. They do an excellent job with the infection, but have a delayed onset of action. They improve the condition of the patient only for 3-5 days of admission. If you need to urgently eliminate the attack and relieve spasm, then use bronchodilators.
IMPORTANT! Anti-inflammatory drugs and bronchodilators are often used in combination. This makes it possible in a short time to completely eliminate the symptoms. However, with the improvement of the clinical picture, one should not forget about the disease and promptly undergo functional studies.
Infectious asthma is difficult to predict. This is due to the fact that the process of restoring normal functioning of the lungs and bronchi is much slower than improving the condition of the patient as a whole. Therefore, even completely eliminating wheezing and whistling in the lungs, the patient cannot be given the status of a healthy person.
Preventive measures for infectious and allergic bronchial asthma and their features for children
In order for the organism to fully resist such diseases all its life, it is necessary to begin its hardening and preparation since childhood. This preparation should begin with the strengthening of immunity. The best way to strengthen the immune system of the child at all times was considered the use of breast milk. After all, breastfeeding involves the protection of the baby from various allergic reactions and diseases.
According to recent medical studies, it has been found that children under 7 years old who were breastfed for at least the first 5 months of life are less susceptible to infectious and allergic diseases. In addition, it is possible to activate the immunity of both the child and the mature person with the help of food products that contain large amounts of vitamin C.
To prevent asthma in your child, you must first of all maintain cleanliness in the room where it is most located. To do this, you need to carry out wet cleaning more often and make sure that there are no allergens in the room. This is pollen and with a sharp aroma of ornamental plants, dust, perfume, wool and down).
Also do not forget about the term "unfavorable background". It implies a tendency to develop allergic or infectious bronchial asthma. Its causes could be complications or pathologies during childbirth, oxygen starvation of the fetus and birth trauma. If you have previously encountered similar problems, it is very important to detect the presence of the disease in a timely manner and to properly conduct the treatment.
Infectious-allergic form of bronchial asthma
Environmental degradation and technological progress have led to an increase in the incidence of allergic diseases. One of these is bronchial asthma. Recently, the number of cases is 5-10% of the total population of the globe.
Bronchial asthma is a chronic recurrent disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by an altered reaction of the bronchi to exogenous and endogenous stimuli.
It proceeds in atopic or infectious-dependent form. Infectious-allergic asthma develops after an infection (most often bronchitis of an infectious nature), and the allergens are the bacteria themselves and their metabolic products. This form of bronchial asthma is very common in children with allergies or adults aged 30-40 years.
Causes of occurrence, developmental conditions and symptoms of the disease
An allergic form of the disease appears after exposure to external factors (dust, food, drugs, wool, pollen). An infectious asthma has a more complex developmental mechanism, and its appearance is influenced by the following factors:
Infection. Attacks are observed after suffering a bacterial or acute viral infection. The reaction occurs on microorganisms and their metabolic products. During the period of illness, the permeability of the bronchial tissues is increased, therefore asthma attacks are also possible due to the influence of exogenous factors.
Heredity. Bronchial asthma in children whose parents are allergic, occurs in 50% of cases.
Ecological situation. In large industrial cities, the risk of disease is much higher, since the constant inhalation of heavy air reduces the body's resistance to infections and pollutes the lungs.
Physical exercise and hypothermia. Very often, seizures begin after excessive physical activity or a long stay in the cold, because at this time the respiratory system is subject to heavy loads and is more susceptible to infectious lesions.
It is important to know! Infectious-dependent and asthma of physical effort are similar in their manifestations, except for the fact that in an infectious-allergic form the symptoms are observed constantly, and not only after physical exertion.
Infectious-dependent bronchial asthma manifests itself during or immediately after the disease, so the symptoms of asthma are supplemented by the usual symptoms of acute respiratory infections:
- fever;
- chills, especially in the evening;
- night sweats;
- cough, often with mucopurulent sputum.
Forerunners. At the first stage, there is frequent sneezing, allergic rhinitis, persistent cough, itching in the nose and sore throat. Most often, precursors arise at night or early in the morning. In adults, this stage can proceed blurry, without pronounced signs, and in children only coughing manifests itself. All symptoms develop gradually over several hours or days. The child becomes sluggish and sleepy or, on the contrary, excessively mobile and overexcited. If you do not start treatment at this stage, then an attack of bronchial asthma will begin.
The height of the attack. This stage is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition and is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- expiratory asphyxiation;
- paroxysmal continuous cough;
- difficulty breathing out, accompanied by wheezing;
- feeling of tightness in the chest;
- pale skin;
- the patient takes a forced position - half-sitting, leaning on his elbows;
- cyanosis around the mouth;
- dilated pupils;
- chest inflated, shoulders raised;
- increased heart rate;
- small children have moist fine bubbling wheezing while inhaling.
Stage of reverse development. Dyspnea gradually stops, a lot of sputum begins, all systems return to normal.
An asthma attack may stop itself, but more often than not, drug therapy is required. If the patient is not treated in time, then death is possible during asphyxiation due to asphyxia, anaphylactic shock or adrenal hypofunction.
It is important to know! The infectious-allergic form of the disease leads to a decrease in the production of adrenaline, therefore, such bronchial asthma is often accompanied by hormonal therapy.
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease
Infectious-dependent bronchial asthma is difficult to diagnose. This is due to the fact that at the first stage its clinical picture is similar to the manifestations of chronic obstructive bronchitis or bronchopneumonia. Initially, the patient’s blood and sputum are analyzed.
A large number of eosinophils, natural markers of allergy, are found in the blood. In sputum, in addition to eosinophils, there are Charcot-Leiden crystals (formed after the destruction of eosinophils), Kurshman spirals (molds of mucus, formed due to bronchospasm).
When conducting tests in children, only eosinophils can be found in sputum. After conducting clinical tests and on the basis of complaints from a patient, a pulmonologist can make a diagnosis of "infectious-allergic bronchial asthma," but more research is needed to clarify the severity of the disease:
- Color flow measurement - measurement of peak expiratory activity, which is carried out by the patient in the morning and evening and allows you to track the patient's condition and the effectiveness of treatment;
- Spirometry - determines the volume and strength of breathing, the degree of bronchial obstruction, most often carried out in children;
- Radiography and bronchoscopy - determines the state of the lungs and allows you to identify complications.
It is important to know! In the interictal period, radiography may not show any changes in the lungs, so it is carried out during the severe course of the disease to determine the complications.
Therapy for bronchial asthma differs depending on the stage of the disease:
Treatment during an attack. At the acute stage of the disease, the main therapeutic task is to stop the attack. For this widely used bronchodilators in the form of inhalation (Ventolin) or tablets (Eufillin, Teofedrin).
The 0.1% solution of Epinephrine with a 5% solution of ephedrine as a subcutaneous injection or an intravenous injection of Eufillin with Glucose has a stronger effect. If all measures for the relief of an attack were ineffective, an asthmatic condition occurs, which is treated in intensive care.
Treatment in the interictal period. In the period between attacks, etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment is carried out.
Asthma infectious-allergic type involves primarily etiological treatment, which aims to eliminate the infection. To do this, spend antibiotic treatment with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the rehabilitation of the bronchi, oral cavity and sinuses.
It is important to know! When choosing an antibiotic for treatment, it is imperative to find out whether the patient is not allergic to this drug, otherwise treatment can only aggravate the situation.
Pathogenetic therapy includes the use of desensitization methods in remission. Treatment is carried out by a series of sputum autolysate injections, which contain antigens. Such a procedure in 80% of cases increases the body's resistance to allergens.
To eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, bronchodilators (Salbutamol), expectorant drugs (ACC, Ambroxol), mucolytics (Mukaltin) are used, and for a more serious condition of the patient, corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone). As an additional procedure, massage the chest. It contributes to sputum discharge and improves the condition of the respiratory system.
In conjunction with drug treatment, physiotherapy is performed:
- Electrophoresis;
- Aeroionotherapy
- Ultrasound therapy.
These activities are aimed at restoring the drainage and ventilation function of the bronchopulmonary system.
Preventive measures include:
- Improving living conditions;
- Hardening of the body;
- Proper organization of work and leisure.
To prevent infectious asthma, it is important to properly treat diseases of the respiratory system and prevent complications. Preventive measures of infectious and allergic asthma, especially in children, can significantly reduce the number of attacks and make the patient's life much better.