Pregnancy and bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma is a disease surrounded by many questions and doubts that especially concern women planning a pregnancy. Will the baby be healthy? Do I need to refuse treatment or, on the contrary, strengthen it during pregnancy? How dangerous are the medications taken for the future baby? Modern ideas about this disease can give a complete answer. Bronchial asthma - It is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract, caused by inflammation. The main manifestations are asthma, cough, feeling of congestion in the chest, wheezing and wheezing. Their occurrence is triggered by contact with cause-significant allergens (house dust, pet dander, plant pollen and others), irritants (tobacco smoke), infections (ARVI).
How does pregnancy affect bronchial asthma?
Pregnancy is a special condition in which transformations of organs and systems of the woman's body occur, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. These changes can affect the course of chronic diseases. For example, shifts occurring in the respiratory, endocrine and immune systems are most significant in bronchial asthma. There are 3 options for the course of bronchial asthma during pregnancy: Pregnancy does not affect the course of bronchial asthma; Improving the course of the disease on the background of pregnancy; More severe course of bronchial asthma on the background of pregnancy. According to statistics, only 14% of pregnant women have a better course of asthma. It is impossible to predict how the relationship will develop in each individual case. Hope that everything will cost, not worth it.

What is the danger of poor asthma control?
It should be understood that asthma does not directly lead to pregnancy complications. All possible problems are due to poor disease control. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) - the most dangerous condition for the fetus, arising from the exacerbation of bronchial asthma. Difficulty breathing, which a woman experiences at the time of an attack of suffocation, is also strongly felt by the child. The consequence of hypoxia is: insufficient mass of the fetus (malnutrition), general developmental delay, impaired organ insertion (in the 1st trimester of pregnancy). Inadequate control of asthma can lead to preeclampsia (a condition that is dangerous for both mother and baby), and also contribute to the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in a pregnant woman, sometimes requiring serious antibiotic therapy. With good control of asthma during pregnancy, children are born healthy and have a positive prognosis.
Preparation for pregnancy
At the planning stage of pregnancy, primary therapy should be selected (inhaler in the minimum effective dose) that can control the course of the disease, that is, ensure that there are no exacerbations and respiratory function indicators that are closest to normal. The process of selecting a drug is quite long. Without a doubt, it must be passed before the onset of pregnancy to avoid risks. No less important is the correct technique of inhalation, due to which the medicinal substance fully enters the bronchi. Exacerbations of allergic asthma are provoked by contact with allergens. If you exclude or limit their presence, you can reduce the manifestations of the disease. In order to accurately know your spectrum of cause-significant allergens, you must be examined in advance by an allergist-immunologist's doctor and get recommendations on restrictive measures. However, it is common for all to observe hypoallergenic life - combating household dust and home-dwelling microscopic dust mites: Remove "dust collectors" - objects that accumulate dust: carpets, upholstered furniture, massive curtains and others; Store clothes in closed cabinets (store seasonal clothes in special covers); Daily light wet cleaning; Replace feather pillows on hypoallergenic, made of synthetic material. Use protective covers for pillows, blankets and especially mattresses. Wash bed linen at a temperature of at least 60 ° - 1 time at week (!) Install an air cleaner at home.
Drug safety
The main tactics of treatment of bronchial asthma during pregnancy - the use of drugs that effectively control the manifestations of the disease, but do not affect the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child, that is, have a proven safe action. Each drug undergoes large-scale clinical trials, the results of which put the category of safety during pregnancy.
Symptoms for Symptoms
A choking fit is a sudden feeling of difficulty breathing with the inability to breathe out completely. Frightening condition that I want to get rid of as soon as possible. Pregnant women need to stop choking attacks as quickly as possible, so that hypoxia does not harm the child. Preference is given to drugs with a rapid onset of action and a selective effect on the lungs with minimal on the heart. In Russia, it is salbutamol (Ventolin). However, we must remember that this drug, or rather the frequency of its use, is an indicator of control over bronchial asthma. Ideally, with an adequately selected primary therapy, there is no need for ambulance inhalers, or it is minimal. Increased choking frequency and increasing need for this inhaler - Signal about the need for urgent expert advice.
Planned therapy
Basic therapy with inhaled drugs is the basis for the treatment of asthma. It is aimed at normalizing the respiratory function and preventing exacerbations of the disease. To achieve the maximum long-term effect, therapy should be regular, and the drugs should be selected by a specialist - pulmonologist or allergist-immunologist. For mild asthma, the doctor may prescribe inhalers Intal or Tailed, belonging to the Cromon group (non-hormonal drugs). In case of inadequate control of the disease, a transition to hormonal inhalers (glucocorticosteroids) is necessary. Given that most of the drugs of basic therapy - hormonal, the question of their safety is very relevant. The use of local (topical) glucocorticosteroids is safe, since the medicinal substance works exclusively in the area of inflammation - in the bronchi. It does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore has minimal side effects on the mother's body and does not affect the fetus. Among all the means of treatment of bronchial asthma, the effectiveness of such drugs is maximum. Of the many hormonal inhalers, based on the ratio of efficacy / safety, during pregnancy, preference is given tobudesonide (Pulmicort) and beclomethasone (Beclazon,Klenil).
What drugs should be avoided?
To relieve asthma exacerbation, hormone preparations are often used for intravenous administration or tablet form, which have a systemic effect on the entire body and penetrate the placenta. Such glucocorticosteroids are used only according to strict indications. The safest in this case is prednisone. Another drug used to relieve an acute condition, adrenaline (Epinephrine), can also be used only in an emergency. Long-acting bronchodilator inhalers (formoterol, salmeterol), which are often combined with a hormonal inhaler, are used with caution, as their safety has not yet been fully studied. Very often, asthma is combined with allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis), and its manifestations are removed with antiallergic (antihistamine) tablets. Unfortunately, their reception is possible only from the 2nd trimester and only in case of emergency. To use, for example, allowed loratadin (Claritin).
Control asthma at home
Bronchial asthma is a disease that requires self-control at home. The method of measuring respiration is simple but effective and is called peak flow meter, and the device itself is peak flow meter. The measured indicator is the peak expiratory flow rate (PSV). It is necessary to register it 2 times a day, morning and evening, before using the inhaler. The emerging graph reflects the state of respiratory function and may indicate a decrease in control over the disease, although there is still no change in well-being. A typical sign of impending exacerbation is the "failure" of the schedule in the morning. Properly performed training at the planning stage of pregnancy and adequate full therapy in accordance with the severity of the course of the disease under the supervision of a specialist is the key to the health of the mother and baby.
Bronchial asthma during pregnancy
Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases that worsens the condition of pregnant women. According to statistics, every year from five to nine percent of pregnant women have complications due to bronchial asthma. And besides, this indicator is rapidly increasing. Most often this phenomenon occurs in women who have a low social status, mainly among African Americans.
Asthma and statistics in pregnant women
In recent years, the number of pregnant women who show symptoms of bronchial asthma, more than doubled. Given the fact that asthma is one of the most dangerous pathologies during pregnancy, this indicator is very scary. The process of the disease during pregnancy is affected by a large number of various factors, under the influence of which the patient's condition can both improve and worsen. As practice shows, it is almost impossible to predict the development of asthma during pregnancy. The situation is as follows: a third of cases do without a change in the condition of the woman, another third - with its deterioration, and the last third with improvement. Therefore, to make any reliable predictions, and even more so to carry out a certain treatment of bronchial asthma before pregnancy is impossible.
Asthma and gestation period
Basically, asthma, which flows easily, tends to improve during pregnancy. A woman at times increases the risk of an attack, even under the condition that they have not existed for more than five past years. Of course, this is possible only if the girl complies with the corresponding diet and underway healthy lifestyle. Often, asthma attacks begin in pregnant women who are 24-36 weeks old. At an earlier or late period, the disease rarely manifests itself, the same applies directly to childbirth. However, there is one paradoxical fact: at a later date, bronchial asthma manifests itself much easier than at an earlier one. Statistics show that more than 3/4 of all pregnant women suffering from asthma, after a quarter of a year, return to their former state, without much damage to the body. Unfortunately, the risk of developing chronic bronchial asthma in a newborn child is quite high, and can sometimes reach 50%. It also depends on whether the father of the baby suffers from asthma.
It is not a secret that the organism of the future mother works in the period of gestation of pregnancy "in a heightened mode". And the respiratory system is not an exception. Consequently, any existing or unexpected respiratory disease in a pregnant woman can adversely affect the health of not only the woman herself, but also her unborn baby.
Effect of respiratory diseases on pregnancy and childbirth
The most common pathologies of the respiratory system in pregnant women are today bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Since pregnancy and childbirth with respiratory diseases can occur with serious complications, we will pay attention to each of these ailments in a separate order.
Chronic bronchitis and pregnancy
Bronchitis in pregnant women may be allergenic in nature or may be caused by specific viruses and bacteria. Usually not having pronounced symptomatology in the period of remission, during the acute season (most often in spring or autumn), the disease usually resembles itself by the appearance of shortness of breath and cough with sputum as well as signs of general intoxication of the body. The presence of a concomitant infectious disease can lead to increased pathological symptoms and poor health of the pregnant woman. The dangerous effect of respiratory diseases on pregnancy and childbirth is in chronic lack of oxygen by the fetus, which can lead to the development of complex perinatal pathologies in a child or serve as a prerequisite to the threat of miscarriage. To avoid complications during pregnancy, a woman with bronchitis is required to be constantly under the control of the attending therapist and systematically tested to facilitate the timely detection of inflammation.
Bronchial asthma during pregnancy
The most severe symptomatology of this chronic recurrent bronchial disease is the occurrence in patients of prolonged asthma attacks, with difficulty exhaling. Other characteristic symptoms of bronchial asthma are shortness of breath, wheezing and sudden coughing attacks that do not bring relief. Despite the fact that bronchial asthma, presumably, belongs to the category of hereditary diseases, there are a number of factors that significantly contribute to the exacerbation of this disease. Such factors include exposure to allergens and tobacco smoke, "harmful" occupations, contaminated ecology of the area, acute respiratory diseases, etc. In pregnant women, in the role of an additional "trigger mechanism" to exacerbate asthma, weakening of the immune system as a result of the diseases that have been carried out, as well as an increasing load on the body of the expectant mother, can act. Inadequate treatment of asthma or exacerbation of the disease during the childbearing period can lead to the most serious consequences, ranging from the threat of miscarriage or premature birth - and ending with fetal hypotrophy or asphyxia (suffocation) of the newborn. Therefore, the future mother suffering from bronchial asthma, it is important to closely monitor the condition of your body and at the first signs of exacerbation of the disease, together with your doctor, to take prompt measures to eliminate the dangerous symptoms.
Pneumonia in pregnant women
Diagnosis of pneumonia in pregnant women is often complicated for doctors by such factors as a fuzzy picture of the disease or the presence of concomitant inflammatory diseases in the patient. The basis for a detailed examination of the future mother for the presence of pneumonia can be a partial or complex combination of symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, accompanied by shortness of breath and chest pain, signs of general intoxication of the body, etc. A pregnant pulmonologist is usually involved in examining a pregnant woman if she has pneumonia, except for the therapist; and if necessary, oncologist and phthisiologist. Such measures are necessary for a more accurate diagnosis of the disease and determine the optimal therapeutic tactics. The lack of timely measures to treat pneumonia is fraught with severe complications that can pose a threat to the life of the mother and fetus. The possibilities of modern medicine allow doctors to select the most effective antibiotic therapy aimed at the rapid elimination of dangerous symptoms, without causing harm to the child's health. So that the effect of respiratory diseases on pregnancy and childbirth does not lead to irreversible consequences, carefully "listen" to your body and consult a doctor at the very first warning signs. Only in this way you will ensure the safety of yourself and your baby and avoid possible problems with the safety and well-being of the pregnancy.

Pollinosis in a nursing mother
After giving birth to a young mother, there comes a new period in life, filled with child care, feeding, new joys and anxieties. Breastfeeding is one of the important factors that help children grow healthy. But if during lactation new or chronic diseases or pathologies are exacerbated, then this affects not only the state of the mother, but also the baby. Pollinosis, an allergy to pollen, hay fever refers to those reactions of the body that can make breastfeeding difficult. Tells how this type of allergic reaction can manifest itself in young mothers and how dangerous it is. Why does pollinosis after birth? Allergy is a specific reaction of the body's immune system, and the severity of its manifestations is directly related to the characteristics and current state of the immune system. Sometimes it happens that a young mother first encounters manifestations of hay fever in the postpartum period. And nine months of carrying a child, and giving birth is a serious test for the whole organism, and protective reactions can be distorted, especially against the background of lactation. Therefore, upon contact with pollen allergens, pollinosis may not only proceed more strongly or with new symptoms, but also manifest itself for the first time in life. According to statistics, one lactating mother of four encounters any manifestations of an allergic reaction during lactation, and pollinosis is the most common type of allergy. The main contributing factor here is altered immune reactivity. During pregnancy, the immune defenses are weakened so that the embryo can successfully implant into the walls of the uterus and grow without being rejected by the maternal organism. The next stage - childbirth - proceeds with high costs of various resources, blood loss, which also weakens the protective forces, including contact with various allergens. The period of care for the infant can reduce the body's resistance, and lactation, especially with insufficient replenishment of protein, trace elements, vitamins in the mother's body, can become an additional factor that increases the likelihood of allergic reactions. Pollinosis develops upon contact with plant pollen containing foreign protein. The cells of the immune system react to proteins as foreign agents, recognizing contact with them as aggression, a danger to the body, which leads to excessive reactions, localized in places of "attack" of allergens. In case of allergy to pollen, this is expressed in edema and inflammation of the mucous surfaces of the nasal passages, nasopharynx, and eyes. It is worth remembering that only allergic manifestations - tearing, cutting eyes, rhinitis are not limited to allergies. Pollinosis is accompanied by a massive release of inflammatory mediators, which is reflected in the general condition of the body.
Factors predisposing to pollen allergies
What factors can cause pollinosis in nursing mothers? Not in all cases, even prolonged and close contact with allergens becomes the cause of the clinical symptoms of hay fever. To a woman began manifestations of allergy to pollen, requires not only the presence of allergens, but also specific conditions. The main factor is the presence of an allergic reaction to pollen in history. If during the prenatal period there have already been attacks of pollinosis, then the chances of the occurrence and amplification of the reaction are much higher. However, it is worth remembering that an allergy to pollen can manifest itself during the life of a wave. Due to the similarity of the manifestations of seasonal "hay fever" and colds in many schoolchildren, pollinosis remains undiagnosed if expressed only as a cold. Such symptoms can disappear on their own at the end of puberty and return to women in the postpartum period. Another factor is the presence of allergies not to pollen, but to cross-allergens. For example, if you are allergic to the penicillin group of antibiotics or some vegetables, in particular, the family of nightshade, tomatoes, if you weaken the body, you can also become allergic to birch and alder pollen. Thus, if the mother, with a predisposition to allergies, does not pay attention to the hypoallergenic diet during the postpartum period, she will develop an allergic reaction to new types of foreign proteins like pollinosis during a high concentration of pollen cross allergens.
Symptoms and hazards of the disease in young mothers
The clinical symptoms of the disease in lactating women are generally the same as in an ordinary adult. However, a nursing mother, due to the nature of the postpartum period and lactation, may suffer from a more pronounced and severe manifestation of pollinosis. Initial signs of pollen allergy are similar to a bacterial upper respiratory infection or a cold. Pollinosis usually begins with rhinitis with clear watery nasal discharge or swelling of the nasal passages, dry cough, tickling sensation, dry throat, burning, cutting, red eyes and eyelids, and headache. In contrast to cold symptoms in pollinosis, there is no fever, a feverish state, and the symptoms are aggravated when you are outdoors and are reduced indoors with air conditioning or after rains. What is the danger of an allergic reaction to pollen for mother and child? Firstly, pollinosis itself often quite worsens state of health. Secondly, without the correct treatment with specially selected drugs or its complete absence, the allergic reaction is dangerous by the addition of secondary complications of microbial ethology. Against the background of pollinosis, acute otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc. may develop. Their treatment during lactation will be complicated by the problems of selecting approved drugs. Improper therapy for pollinosis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma in the mother, and the attacks of an allergic reaction increasewithout the correct therapy with specially selected drugs or its complete absence, the allergic reaction is dangerous by the addition of secondary complications of microbial ethology. Against the background of pollinosis, acute otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc. may develop. Their treatment during lactation will be complicated by the problems of selecting approved drugs. Improper therapy for pollinosis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma in the mother, and the attacks of an allergic reaction increasewithout the correct therapy with specially selected drugs or its complete absence, the allergic reaction is dangerous by the addition of secondary complications of microbial ethology. Against the background of pollinosis, acute otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc. may develop. Their treatment during lactation will be complicated by the problems of selecting approved drugs. Improper therapy for pollinosis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma in the mother, and the attacks of an allergic reaction increase the sensitivity of the child's body to various allergens. For these reasons, it is necessary, if possible, to take all preventive measures against the onset of allergies, and in the event of the onset of its symptoms, consult a doctor for timely treatment.
Dyspnea during pregnancy: the main causes
Dyspnea during pregnancy is a common symptom and statistics show that it is formed in 60-70% of women in the position. Doctors explain the appearance of such a symptom with a growing uterus pressing on the lungs. But then how to explain its appearance in the first trimester of pregnancy? About the possible causes, methods of treatment and relief. Unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy Dyspnea is a common symptom in women in the situation, and sometimes it is difficult to establish one single cause of its occurrence. Apparently, its formation is associated with many factors: the growing uterus, the additional load on the heart and blood vessels, the increase in circulating blood volume are just some of them. In a study conducted in 2015, it is noted that some women notice the appearance of shortness of breath literally immediately afterpregnancy has been established. Others - much later, in the second and third trimester. It is logical to assume that the main reasons for its formation at different stages of pregnancy are not the same. The first trimester Doctors say that the fetus may not be very large to affect the breath of the future mother. Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, the diaphragm rises by about 4 centimeters. Its location provides filling the lungs with air. Many women do not notice any changes, shortness of breath does not bother them, but some notice that a deep breath and exhalation is difficult. The process of respiration and some hormones - progesterone, which plays an important role for the full development of the fetus. It is his action that makes breathing more frequent. Doctors say that the concentration of progesterone will increase with the development of pregnancy. Second trimester. Pregnancy develops, the fetus and uterus grow, shifting the internal organs, which can explain the appearance of some symptoms. Many women point out that it is the second trimester that most often causes shortness of breath. But not only the growing uterus causes such symptoms, changes in the blood circulation and increased stress in the heart and blood vessels have their influence. In the second trimester, the volume of circulating blood significantly increases, and the heart is forced to work harder for full blood circulation in all circles of the blood circulation, including the placental one.
It is the increased load on the heart that causes shortness of breath. In late pregnancy
In the third trimester, breathing may become more difficult, shortness of breath becomes pronounced, or, conversely, breathing becomes much easier. Everything will depend on the position of the fetus in the uterus and the proximity of labor. Sometime before giving birth, many women pay attention to a significant relief of breathing, shortness of breath does not appear, which is explained by a lowered stomach. The authors note: most often severe shortness of breath occurs during the period of 31-34 weeks of gestation, but all individually.
Dyspnea as a symptom of the disease
Despite the fact that shortness of breath during pregnancy occurs frequently and can be explained by physiological changes. If it is strongly expressed - consultation of the doctor is obligatory. And, after examining, collecting complaints and certain types of research, it is possible to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Possible diseases that cause shortness of breath include: Asthma Pregnancy can significantly worsen asthma symptoms. Therefore, all women with a diagnosis need to consult a doctor and develop a plan for a safe, pregnancy-compatible treatment plan.
Peripartal cardiomyopathy
Under this term, the form of heart failure that is formed during pregnancy or after childbirth. Symptoms include significant edema, low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat. Often these symptoms are attributed to pregnancy, because the diagnosis may be late.
Pulmonary embolism
It forms when a blood clot gets stuck in the pulmonary artery, which can explain the formation of shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, and even significant breathing difficulties. How to relieve shortness of breath? Shortness of breath - the cause of significant discomfort, as well as a limitation of physical activity of a person But, nevertheless, the doctor can offer several solutions that can greatly alleviate the condition and relieve unpleasant symptoms: Proper posture an even and straight back will allow the uterus to move as far as possible from the diaphragm. To maintain the abdomen, you can wear a bandage. Proper position in a dream Doctors recommend pregnant women to sleep with a few pillows and to focus on supporting the upper back. Thus, the uterus shifts somewhat downwards and allows the lungs to fully unfold.
Breathing exercises
In training courses for childbirth, instructors often talk about some breathing practices in childbirth, but they can also be used during pregnancy. First, it is a practice before childbirth, and secondly, breathing by Lamaz method (for example), will help get rid of shortness of breath. Recreation Physical activity and opportunities in the first and third trimester do not go to any comparison, and in this fact, you should not look for any pathology. Every woman should listen carefully to the signals of her own body, and when severe shortness of breath and fatigue appear, you need to stop and rest. Many diseases can cause shortness of breath, and during pregnancy they can manifest in all their "beauty". Therefore, women with a number of chronic pathologies, with the appearance of shortness of breath need expert advice. When do you need to consult a doctor? The longer the pregnancy, the greater the likelihood of shortness of breath. But, meanwhile, even her appearance in late pregnancy can be a symptom of a pathology that will require immediate treatment. Pregnant women should immediately seek medical help if the following symptoms appear: pallor and blueness of the lips, fingers; cardiopalmus; pain when inhaling; severe shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;the appearance of wheezing. To treat and alleviate the condition, it is necessary to determine the cause of these symptoms. For this, the doctor may prescribe a number of studies.
In the bath during pregnancy: you can or can not
Can a pregnant woman treat yourself to a bath or sauna? What do doctors say about this? And is it worth it to listen to fans of sauna pleasures? It is rather difficult to answer these questions, as doctors have no consensus. Medicine is an inaccurate science; a lot depends on the circumstances and characteristics of the human body. But we still try to find together in the clubs a couple of the right answers. In the bath during pregnancy: prudence or recklessness? With all the difference of opinion, most doctors agree on one thing: a bath is contraindicated for a woman in the first trimester and in the last weeks of pregnancy. In the first weeks, the placenta is formed, and the embryo itself is still very vulnerable. Bath is also a hefty stress for the body. The likelihood that the body will not cope with two stresses at the same time, is large enough. Not in vain, in deep-seated times, women got rid of unwanted pregnancy, thoroughly sweating in a hot bath, and then doused with icy water. It did not always help, though, but it often worked. Risky and visiting the bath shortly before birth. The body is preparing for the hard work of bringing a new person into the world, and the stress of high temperature or its drops can well serve as a trigger for the premature commencement of labor. After deducting the first three and one last months of pregnancy, you can visit the bath - if you do it carefully and without fanaticism. Be sure to get this permission from the doctor, as well as abide by the rules of behavior in the bath. It did not always help, though, but it often worked. Risky and visiting the bath shortly before birth. The body is preparing for the hard work of bringing a new person into the world, and the stress of high temperature or its drops can well serve as a trigger for the premature commencement of labor. After deducting the first three and one last months of pregnancy, you can visit the bath - if you do it carefully and without fanaticism. Be sure to get this permission from the doctor, as well as abide by the rules of behavior in the bath. It did not always help, though, but it often worked. Risky and visiting the bath shortly before birth. The body is preparing for the hard work of bringing a new person into the world, and the stress of high temperature or its drops can well serve as a trigger for the premature commencement of labor. After deducting the first three and one last months of pregnancy, you can visit the bath - if you do it carefully and without fanaticism. Be sure to get this permission from the doctor, as well as abide by the rules of behavior in the bath. After deducting the first three and one last months of pregnancy, you can visit the bath - if you do it carefully and without fanaticism. Be sure to get this permission from the doctor, as well as abide by the rules of behavior in the bath. After deducting the first three and one last months of pregnancy, you can visit the bath - if you do it carefully and without fanaticism. Be sure to get this permission from the doctor, as well as abide by the rules of behavior in the bath.
What bath is more useful during pregnancy?
Choice fortunately there is, and it is large enough. To choose the best and safest bath, you should listen to the recommendations of doctors. And they unanimously advise to choose a bath with a relatively low, up to 70 ° C, temperature, and not to sit in a steam room for more than 10 minutes. From this point of view, the softest option is the Turkish bath - hammam. Pleasant warm, soft steam, warm pools caress the senses, promote relaxation without causing stress load on the woman's body and on the fetus bearing it. A Russian bath may also be appropriate - if you do not heat the steam room too much and sit in it on the floor or lower shelf. The least suitable for pregnant women Finnish sauna - because of the extremely high temperatures. What is useful bath for a pregnant woman? In the steam room, the body is exposed to high temperature, moist air, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, causes increased sweating. With then go out of the body products of metabolism and excess moisture. Bath procedures are a good training for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; they are soothing and relaxing. A visit to the bath can reduce the swelling that pregnant women often suffer, and the bath is considered a good way to prevent late toxicosis. How to behave in the bath, so as not to cause miscarriage and deterioration of well-being the advantages of the bath listed above work only when a woman behaves prudently, and takes into account some points. Bath can be useful when a woman already has experience of visiting a steam room and a habit of her. Starting to go to the bath during pregnancy is not worth it, it is too much stress. It is very important not to abuse bathing procedures: limit one short visit to 1.5-2 weeks, it is strictly forbidden to stay in the steam room for more than 10 minutes. The temperature inside should not exceed 65-70 ° ะก. Rest outside should be twice as long as being inside, in the steam room. Sharp temperature drops are forbidden: after a steam room, it is possible and necessary to drench not with ice, but with warm water, it is also better to warm up the pool. It is strictly forbidden to go to the bathhouse alone: in case of deterioration of well-being, there should be someone nearby who can help. It is useful to drink warm and hot drinks in the bath: herbal or green tea, compote, juice, homemade lemonade. Fizzy drinks should be avoided, like beer. The head must be covered with a special cap or scarf. It is better to wear rubber slippers on your feet, eliminating the risk of slipping and falling. In the Russian bath, the lowermost shelf fits the pregnant woman, and it is better not to sit on it, but to lie down. It is very important to control well-being. At the first signs of dizziness, headache, tachycardia, with a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, you must immediately leave the bath and go home to rest. If the alarming symptoms do not pass - call a doctor. There are also absolute contraindications to visiting a bath for a pregnant woman.
Epilepsy, bronchial asthma, hypertension and other contraindications
It is strictly contraindicated to go to the bath for any complications of pregnancy. The threat of miscarriage, low placentation refers to their number. Contraindications are also: any acute inflammatory diseases, increased body temperature; hypertension, hypertension 2-3 stage; epilepsy; oncological diseases; bronchial asthma; heart diseases; recent operations. You should not pay attention to those who are confident in the absolute and exceptional benefits of the bath, and begins all the arguments with the words "From time immemorial in Russia they used to take a bath, they gave birth to a bath". From time immemorial in Russia there has been such infant and maternal mortality, which is terrible to think, from the point of view of modern man. Bath and pregnancy can be compatible, but only if you attach a third word to the letter "B" to them - prudence. But not carelessness, recklessness and irresponsibility. Expert commentary Dr. Ollie Jay, a researcher in thermoregulatory physiology, Director of the Thermal Ergonomic Laboratory at the University of Sydney Many doctors categorically prohibit pregnant women not only to go to the sauna, but even take a hot shower. They attribute this to an increased risk of maternal hypothermia, which is potentially dangerous for the fetus. But our research shows that this is not entirely true. A pregnant woman who has no other contraindications can be quite safe for herself and the fetus to be in the sauna for up to 20 minutes if the temperature is not above 70 ° C and the relative humidity is within 15%. It is also permissible to take baths with a water temperature of up to 40 ° C, as well aswhich is potentially dangerous for the fetus. But our research shows that this is not entirely true. A pregnant woman who has no other contraindications can be quite safe for herself and the fetus to be in the sauna for up to 20 minutes if the temperature is not above 70 ° C and the relative humidity is within 15%. It is also permissible to take baths with a water temperature of up to 40 ° C, as well aswhich is potentially dangerous for the fetus. But our research shows that this is not entirely true. A pregnant woman who has no other contraindications can be quite safe for herself and the fetus to be in the sauna for up to 20 minutes if the temperature is not above 70 ° C and the relative humidity is within 15%. It is also permissible to take baths with a water temperature of up to 40 ° C, as well as aqua aerobics for up to 45 minutes in swimming pools with water temperatures up to 33 ° ะก. And by the end of pregnancy, thermoregulation only improves. We assume that this is due to a change in the ratio of body mass and its surface area. Of course, research needs to be continued, but we can already say with certainty that when visiting a bath, the risk of heat stress is not as high as previously thought.