Badger fat for pneumonia

In the XX century, Academician ND Zelinsky proved the unique ability of badger fat to stop the reproduction of bacteria in the lungs. The research was continued by the biophysicist KS Trincher, who scientifically substantiated the treatment of pneumonia with badger fat. The discoveries of scientists did not find further development. In official medicine, drugs based on this...

Interstitial pneumonia

Interstitial pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue that mainly affects the alveolar walls, endothelium, capillaries and fibrous tissues of the lung parenchyma. This term denotes a whole group of inflammatory processes of the interstitial tissue of the lungs of unknown origin. It is diagnosed in patients of different ages and sex: both an adult and...

Pulmonary infarction

Pulmonary infarction is a disease in which an area of ​​the pulmonary parenchyma changes pathologically due to an acute sudden disturbance of blood circulation (thrombosis or embolism of an arterial vessel that feeds this segment). Due to the violation of blood flow in the lung, a site of necrosis is formed, and later the adjacent pleura...

Infectious pneumonia

Infectious pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by the pathogenic activity of bacteria, viruses, fungi in the lung cavity. Infectious pneumonia often becomes a complication of concomitant diseases of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the respiratory system. Depending on the type of pathogen, the symptomatic picture of infectious pneumonia also appears. Any type of pneumonia...

Bilateral pneumonia in children

Pneumonia is an acute illness of the respiratory system. He has no age restrictions, both an adult and a child can suffer from pneumonia. At risk are patients with weakened immunity, premature babies and babies less than a year old. Launched bilateral pneumonia in children can lead to serious complications and death. To avoid adverse consequences, the patient is prescribed an effective therapeutic regimen.      ...

Antibiotic-free pneumonia treatment

Can pneumonia be cured without antibiotics? Inflammation of the lungs is a life-threatening disease. It lasts for a long time, with an increase in temperature, intoxication of the body. Requires complex treatment, with the use of antibiotic agents, strictly according to the doctor’s prescription. Modern medicine gives a clear answer – pneumonia cannot be cured without antibiotics. Before...

Is it possible to walk with pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious inflammation of various structures of the lung tissue, which manifests itself either as an independent disease, or as a complication after another infectious pathology. In case of illness, due to oxygen starvation, the patient often has a desire to take a walk in the fresh air. However, one of the factors that affects...

Is it possible to wash with pneumonia

Such a serious disease as pneumonia lasts almost a month, and with a purulent form – several months. During this period, doctors restrict the movement of the patient along the street, prohibit sports activities and prescribe bed rest. Since the disease is protracted, body hygiene still needs to be observed. You can wash yourself with pneumonia, but with...

Sputum with pneumonia

Pneumonia or pneumonia is a disease that is predominantly infectious in nature, with severe consequences for the body, since the alveoli and interstitial tissue of the lungs are damaged. The main symptom of this disease is coughing up mucus. Sputum in pneumonia occurs in all patients (with rare exceptions), be it an adult or a child. With pneumonia,...

Folk remedies for pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is an infectious disease that is provoked by various bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. After a medical diagnosis, doctors often prescribe antibiotics. Folk remedies for pneumonia are used in combination with the main treatment. They improve the condition of a sick person and strengthen the body’s defenses. The effectiveness of alternative treatment for pneumonia Symptoms...