Diagnosis in bronchial asthma: formulation and classification criteria

Bronchial asthma is considered a serious illness of the respiratory system. The symptoms of this ailment can be confused with the manifestations of other diseases, therefore, the doctor often fails to establish the correct diagnosis the first time, especially at the onset of bronchial inflammation. All doubts can be dispelled and assumptions can be confirmed only...

Features of stepwise treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children

To get rid of asthma symptoms, doctors select therapy regimens to achieve control over pathological processes. One of the approaches is the stepwise treatment of bronchial asthma.  Thanks to such tactics, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the asthmatic and control the disease in the future.  What is step therapy Stepwise treatment of asthma is a...

Forms and stages of status asthmaticus, symptoms, first aid and treatment

Status asthma is a serious complication of bronchial asthma that threatens health. It several times increases the risk of death of a patient with an attack.  The complication is accompanied by constantly developing respiratory failure, while there is no result from therapeutic measures. It is extremely difficult to stop the attack in this case. It is important to know the...

Features of diagnosis of asthma in children and adults and research methods

In order to choose the right course of treatment, an accurate diagnosis is required. There are diseases that have specific symptoms, and in this case it is not difficult to determine the disease. Bronchial asthma is not one of them, therefore, when a suspicion of a pathology of the respiratory tract arises, a thorough examination of...

Blood tests for asthma testing: types, interpretation of results

Bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease. Due to the constant inflammation of the bronchi, the patient’s respiratory function is impaired, which can be life-threatening. But before prescribing treatment, it is important to accurately diagnose, since there are also other pathologies with similar symptoms, the treatment methods for which are very different. It is for this that...

What to do when you have a cough and runny nose when teething in children

During active tooth growth, children often experience nasal congestion and coughing. Parents don’t know how to deal with this situation. The mucous membranes are located next to the gums, so when they swell, neighboring tissues also suffer, they also become inflamed and cause discomfort. Also, at the time when the baby begins to move the teeth,...

What to do if, when coughing, pain radiates to the back (to the shoulder blades, ribs) – diagnosis and treatment

Many do not take coughs seriously, but in vain. This symptom accompanies many diseases, so it is imperative to undergo diagnostics to determine the cause. Back pain speaks of serious changes in the body. If you do not start treatment on time, you can start the process and get a complication. You cannot let the disease take its...

What can cause a cough for no reason – ways to diagnose and prevent problems

If a cough of an unknown, unreasonable origin appears, it is worth contacting a therapist or pulmonologist. This often speaks of allergies, infections, diseases of internal organs. In this case, treatment should be started immediately. The reasons An unreasonable cough without other symptoms is rarely a sign of a cold. It is important for the doctor to...

If, when coughing, it begins to hurt under the ribs – which means who to contact and how to treat

Cough is a symptom of diseases of the respiratory and heart organs, as well as blood vessels. Sometimes it occurs after injuries of the sternum, if the work of internal organs is disrupted. Establishing the cause of the pain in the subcostal space when coughing allows you to correctly diagnose. The reasons If, when coughing, a...

Treatment of an attack of bronchial asthma

1. In case of mild presence, inhalation of a short-acting bronchodilator (1-2 doses) is necessary . After stopping the attack, it is necessary to continue taking bronchodilators for 24-48 hours 3-4 times a day or to use aminophylline orally at 10-15 mg / kg per day.         2. For the treatment of a moderate seizure, inhalation of a bronchodilator is necessary at 1-2 doses, aminophylline...